The fuel pump on my 74 went out yesterday so today i had to go to orielys auto parts and bought one but it was to dark to fix it but i am wondering if something got in there and messed it up or it if was just wheres its been on the car since 1974
is there a certain way to install one of these fuel pumps or just take the old one off pop the new one in my engine is a 250...Thanks Travis
A couple of bolts and 2 hoses. Easy stuff. Only thing you need to watch is the tank side fuel line. Keep it high when disconnected or fuel can siphon out.
Very easy to change. I changed mine in a church parking lot with an adjustable wrench and flathead screw driver.
also..make sure you use the supplied gasket.. this will keep oil from coming out...i use RTV with the gasket... extra insurance
Personally, I never liked using a silicone sealant. The silicone in it makes it too slippery and I never had much luck sealing anything with them. Most of it just ozzes out along with the gasket if its a thick one. If you want to use a sealant, I suggest Permatex #2. You can seal almost anything with that stuff. JMO
thanks for the help i got it changed and its back to running luckily the fuel pump went out in my drive way right in front of the garage
Weird ...... my 74's fuel pump went out in the driveway also .... and it was a 250 $20 and 20 minutes later, on the road again ...... glad you got'er goin'