Awhile back I noticed that there was this funny click when I pressed the brakes. At first I thought that maybe I had a sticking caliper (did the disc swap a few years ago) so I took it in (no space to work in our garage) and assumed that I needed a brake job but they said that everything was within spec and since it was only happening occassionally to bring it back when it did it more often. Well I did become more frequent so I took it back, husband was almost sure (after many a trip around the block) that it was in fact something in the suspension. We changed the control arm bushings and the noise went away for awhile but it's back now. It's always when you break and the weight is pushed to the front of the car. Any ideas? Almost everything suspension wise is new. It's driving me nuts. Oh yeah and while I have you guys here, I've noticed that lately when I turn my steering wheel to make turns (more so when I turn the wheel to the right) it whines something aweful. Is this a belt? Too tight maybe? The pump is only about 2 years old, the power cylinder is a little under a year. Any ideas. Thanks so much. Jeri
Check your wheel bearings. I think the whine is in the ps system. I've had some that whined rediciously loud even though they were full of fluid.
if the noise is in the pump try some synthetic PS fluid Ive had good luck using it ,as far as noise in front it sounds like the anti rattle clips are gone or collapsed they go between caliper and bracket
Thanks guys. Mavaholic, the wheel bearings were done about 8 months ago. I will check the anti-rattle clips again. I'll let you know what it is.
check the strut rod bushings.. mine makes a noise as well when i hit the brakes and take off.. and i know my suspesnion needs work, but the strut rod bushings on mine are definitely worm..i can see the rods moving..
i would check the suspension parts for slack that would cause the click. the steering whine could be an air bubble in the system, does it do it before the wheel is cranked to its full movement?
Any signs of leakage,even very little seepage,aroud the steering sector(gear box)????Do you have to add p/s fluid,even very little.....It sounds like there is an air bubble in the for the braking noise,Do you have drum or disc brakes on the front????Either way,look at the shock mounts very close and the control arm bushings....
No leakage. No need to add ps ever. Disc in the front, drum in the back both withing spec and nothing is loose. Control arm bushings are new and tight. Maybe I'll look at the shock mounts though. thanks
Did you find the clicking? Whine is probably just the ps pump. I had a Bronco just like that. Worked fine but very loud whinning pump.