yeah my first was a 500 dollar 4dr. many of you have seen it. 2 years ago. something for me n todd to work together on. we were hooked! bought a 75 to restore. went to tennessee to buy parts for it. came home and in my e-mail was the mav (some of you would remember that was for sale..."wife is killing me..make offer") it became my 1970 100 dollar maverick. the 75 became a parts car. i am glad i have almost everything off of it i need... my wife is killing me! (an eyesore from the street.) gonna dump it real soon. these are my mavericks and i am sticking with them.
im 17 just bought my first maverick. 1971 grabber 200 i6 3spd only thing wrong with it is oil pan seals are leaking. in my opinion its not that bad. i plan on keeping it for a long time. ill have a pic soon
When I was 16 (10 years ago), I purchased my first car ever, which was a 1971 4-door Maverick. It was white, with the brown vinyl top, and had green interior. The interior was trashed, but there was no real body damage (a small dent I pulled out with a plunger) and no rust whatsoever. It had the 200 cid engine, and three-on-the-tree. I paid $250 for it. Being a stupid kid, though, I decided to sell the Mav because it didn't have all the cool amenities (power steering, power assist brakes, etc...), and it was 6 years older than I was, so I bought a 1982 Olds Cutlass supreme. The Olds is long since dead, but the guy I sold the Mav to is still driving it. I don't currently own a maverick or comet, but I'm in the process of finding the right car (A Mav, of course) to be my project car. Wish me luck.
maverick I bought my first Maverick when I was 15 from my brother it was a 69.5 cream puff, since then I have had numerous ones. Iwish I had everyone of them back. At one time I had 16 of them, I believe 5 of them were parts cars and the others were just nice cars that needed a little TLC, when my dad seen where I was storring them (behind one of the hay barns) lets just say there were good deals to be had that day for others. Now I have the purple one for 17 years and 2 parts cars and one that I am building in the shop garage. With any luck my son will get the urge when he is 14 or 15 and notice how much fun these cars really are.
My first Mav was a 70 (robin's egg blue exterior, dark blue interior) with a 200 six/C-4. I was stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina at the time and bought it from a Royal Marine Officer serving with the 2nd Marine Division as an exchange officer. The front end had been hit, so there was no grill or hood latch. The hood was tied down with wiire. I drilled a hole in the hood and fabricated a long bolt with a hood pin I found somewhere. No radio, but I got a Volkswagon AM radidio from a guy after installing an AM/FM in his bug. It was my "getting divorced-mobile" and ran like a top. Tom
My passion for these cars came when my mom bought her very first new car being single (after 4 abusive "dads" we thought this was very cool). It was a tan '76 Maverick 4-door. Unfortunatly a week later it was totalled because she was fiddling with the stereo about two blocks from our house during a left turn. The other guy t-boned the Maverick from the passenger side. On the good side, the insurance back then simply bought her another Maverick which we had for about 5 years. My grandparents loved the car and bought themselves one, again, another tan Maverick 4-door with every option. I still remember trips to my grandparents house in that car during the heat of a Louisiana summer, nice and cool with the A/C. One thing that stands out in memory is the ultra-smooth ride 8)) I think the number one reason I went on to purchase my Meverick 2-door is summed up in one word "SOLID". Not the rattle cans they sell today. RELIABLE was another attribute. My mom drove hers for 5 years with nothing really more than oil changes. She finally traded it in on a Datsun 310 that I hated (and everyone else eventually did as well, including my mom). Just my .02 cents worth Tracy
Whoa, pegasus that sounds kinda close to me. My mom bought my first car for me and I thank her for that. It was a '74 4door Mav, that was light brown and had the most trashed interior but I loved it to death. I had the car for about a year and the whole time I never had a radio in it and I loved every minute of it, ahh just me and the mav. I went and bought a '74 2door and am still working on it. I ended up selling the 4door to a buddy for some extra cash. I miss her to much, but she's close incase I want to buy her back.
My First Car.... was a 1970 Maverick Grabber! I bought it used in 1974. To see more vintage pictures of the car: 1970 Maverick Grabber Unfortunately I wrecked the car in 1976: My Wrecked Grabber Then in 1999, I got a wild hair and bought a 1977 Comet....and the addiction/obsession continues!!
Hey guys, My moms first car was a 1970 Maverick. She bought it in 72 and it was really plain, but she really liked the car. It was red. She drove it for a few years, then her dad traded it in for a car for him and gave her his old Pontiac. A couple years passed and many cars came and went, then she bought a 72 Comet GT. It was white with black stripes and interior. It was "raised" up in the back and had big tires on the back with some slot mags! That car was alot of fun she said and she really liked that one too! The trunk floor got alittle rusty from a leak and some rust on the out side too. She had it painted from the stripe down and had the floor repaired. She traded it for a 78 Volare around 1979. She was alittle excited when I brought my Maverick home. She can't wait for a ride in it to bring back some memories! One of these days I'll find a picture of them. That's my story!
I'm like Mavaholic. I've been around mavericks along time. I seen my first maverick at the local ford dealer in Ft Worth in 1970 and fell in love with them. I was finally able to buy my first one in spring 1972. I went to the ford dealer in the town i was stationed in the military and ordered a 1972 grabber, dark blue matalic, black interior, and 302 3 speed floor shift. Sold the car when i went overseas. A few years later i bought another 71 grabber then a friend of mine gave me an offer and could'nt resist and sold that one. Now i have my third one i've been working on it for two years and it is just about done. I just took the car to my son in texas last week so he can enjoy the joy of cruising around in a classic. thanx ray
my mother got my first only mav a bout 4 years a go when I was 10 or 11 it was all original to the shocks she got it because she wanted a cheep 4 door that was good on gas and that wasn`t gona be alot of truble . it wasn`t (isn`t) very rusty but the paint was baked off the roof got that fixed now . this car has lasted her longer than any other car she has ever had and I`ll never let it die
. I've been hooked on mavs ever since my dad told me a story of a grabber eating my uncle's hopped up nova alive. Then when I actually saw one, I loved how they look, plus nobody has them or fixes them up so they're really unique. Not to mention the fact that they're light as all hell and cheap to buy. Excellent project cars.
our four door Well, I used to drive past one to wrestling practice about three four years ago, and it was a 73 yellow grabber. I didnt even know that they could be made fast or whatnot. anyway about a summer later i found one in the back of the deli by my house and we had to have it. Anyway, then we got it and our mav farm began. After we went to the western PA meet, and seeing Russ' green mav, which is burly just the way i like em for high school, we had to have a two door. then low and behold on ebay was a two door 302. We got it but didnt really do anything with it. then this guy sold us a near perfect mav for 100 bucks. since then, i put disc brakes on it (all by myself) and a new rear end, and mad minor things in the interior. and painted the back panel black like a 70 grabber. This is the Smith Family Household Maverick Story. Sorry so long...
I became attracted to Mavericks when I was 6 years-old (1974). A friend of my dad's had a blue '72 and I thought that was one of the neatest cars. My first Maverick was the one I have now...My dad bought it in 1981 for use as a 2nd car. I knew right then that I wanted it and I eventually ended up with it. I got a '75 Comet rust-bucket "beater" back in '92 and drove it for a little while. Some chick rearended me on an icy road and when I realized what happened, I busted up laughing because it was not my beloved 'Maverick that got hit...
My first Maverick is the one I bought 1-1/2 years ago and am still getting ready for the track. The reason I bought it is because the first car I ever raced down a quarter-mile track was my brother's Maverick Sprint. He got me hooked on 'em way back then. He also let me use the Sprint on a few dates - one in particular that I'll never forget (we never forget our first time! ) When I saw this Maverick for sale, I pretty much had my mind made up before I got out of my car that I was going to buy it. It's been a labor of love ever since!