"What's this? Fop? I don't want Fop! That's not proper pomade! ...I'm a Dapper Dan man!" O Brother, Where Art Thou? One of my favorite movies. Sorry, now back to your regularly scheduled thread...
Dont know what the hell I was thinking!! Funny thing is, I read Matts post and thought "What the heck is he talking about?" :confused: Then it hit me. I'm always happy to be a source of entertainment for you guys.
If they are factory painted boomerangs they are prime candidates for having them chromed .... That is what makes them very desirable. Painted boomerangs will have no pits and are nice and smooth when the paint is removed.
i think we need a moment of silents for the sprint what a shame like to ask the people that do stuff like this what s wrong with them in destroing a classic car that good looking......travis