Hello, this moring i went outside and opened the passenger side door got my coat of the car and i went to shut the door and it would;nt lock the button that opens the door is'nt working and the inside hanlde is'nt either the is just laying closed i dont know what to do but after while im gonna put it in the garage and take the door panel off and see if i can fix it hoping it was just froze and something popped off i put the key in the door and it woudnt even turn
the rod probably cam out of the mechanism... there is a metal piece that turns and clips areound the rod to keep the rod frm coming off... this could have fallen off.. look on the inside of your door for this part if its missing... you might need a magnet... but look at both doors to see whats not looking correct...
The locks would get stuck on my first Comet often. You can bend the rod a bit and fix it, seems there was an adjustment as well. We had to pull the door panel to get the door open.
no the button is out you can push the button in and out but nothing moves i can hear the stuff moving but it is'nt opening the door
well i took the car in the garage where the heat is and after working the door a few times it seems that it was just frozen