Has anyone Had any dealing with a Neil Chance or Precision industries torque converter? Im in the market for a good converter and any info would be helpful.
I had a Neal Chance TC in the race car a couple of years ago. Great TC, and the people were superb to work with! I wouldn't have a problem recommending them at all. Only reason I don't still have the converter is a buddy of mine talked me into trading it to him for a higher stall converter that he had. I think he's still using it. They are good folks and stand behind their stuff. Later,
dont want to start any arguements here, but ati has their fall sale on now. give charlie a call & see what he can do for you. there's a reason serious racers pay the extra for a quality converter like ati or coan has and its not because they're stupid.
I run Coan transmissions and converters. Bought 3 of each so far. One slight problem but other than that great product. Service was good too.
I've used both. Neal Chance in a turbocharged race car. I have a Precision Industries converter in my '98 GT right now. Never had a problem out of either one.