Hi all, I need to get a car cover because the cat keeps walking all over the car, and leaving muddy prints everywhere. It is driving me nuts, and I can't get rid of the cat, so a car cover it is. I have seen the ones on ebay, and was wondering if anyone had gotten one, and how they are. I don't need a really good one, so I am hoping some of you have some info the ones on ebay. Are they worth it? Thanks. -Corbin
I've been using Budge brand from Wal-Mart. They come in 3 different grades/quality. They fit pretty good for $40 or less. I also have a Coverlite brand that came with my Comet GT. It fits real well and I haven't been able to find another one. Does anyone know where to get this brand cover? [I'm not trying to hide my cars under these covers...I've got a cat, too. If I had my way the cat would go]!
Just buy some boots instead, just because you cant get rid of the cat doesn't mean you cant leave some footprints of your own!
Good one Rudy! Thanks for the info, Doug. I haven't seen any Coverlite covers so I can't be of help there, maybe someone else knows something. -Corbin
I got a cover at Auto Zone for about $100 and it doesn't scratch at all. I cannot remember the exact name but it breathes and doesn't trap moisture inside. It'll keep the paw prints off for sure. Personally, I'd get rid of the cat, myself.
That thought has occurred to me to. The only thing is that in my household I would be a prime suspect!
i would invest in a better car cover. trust me its worth it. my new car sites outside (well a 98 is new to me) and i have had 3 cheap covers for it and they are not worth it! the dew will go right tought them and the you'll have to clean the car off anyways. Also remember cheap covers don't keep out the ultraviolet light that kills your paint! Not to meantion that they rip easy! i just bought a Covercraft with the NOAH cloth and all i have to say... it the best damn car cover i have had! Get a covercraft. If you love your car you should love it back!
how do you wash a car cover I bought a cover from AutoKrafters, it works great. After pulling the engine, scraping undercoating from the eng. compartment, and cleaning about 5,000 parts, there's a lot of dirt on the cover. I guess I can spread it out on the driveway and hose it off, but I'm wondering if someone has a better idea?? Thanks.
I just bought one of those custom 3 layer car covers off of ebay for that are being advertised for $39.95 all the time. I should get it a few days. I let you guys know...
how do you wash a car cover I take mine to a local laundramat that has big industrial size washers, then hang it over a wash line to dry. I wouldn't trust laying it in the driveway, you could pick up dirt and stones that would scratch the paint.
I still think you should do something about the cat. Put a cover on your car and it will probably claw the cover. Your treating the symptoms rather than the problem.