i have a friend who has a 72 comet gt with the 302 in it. it has been set up street/strip and has a control panel with rocker switches. the other day his alt. quit charging so he replaced alt and regulator. and installed a petronix electronic ign that he bought from my store. he accidentally left the ign on all nite and now the thing will not fire. has no fire going to coil. will just turn over . checked timing chain and gears everything is fine. tried crossing coil with a main hot wire to it from battery still no fire. changed coils still no fire. can't figure it out, it has a painless wire kit in it. please help as he misses driving his comet with me and my comet gt on the weekends
Probably the petronix ignition. Go get a set of points and condensor and throw them in. If it works, he fried the petronix.
No No No, you are going about it all wrong Gasoline and matches and that's how you get a car to fire.
I have seen condensors bad right out of the box. They're cheap, try another one. Go back to basics. Install the points and condensor, put the new coil on and jump 12 volts to the positive side of the coil. Turn the engine over with the starter, There should be some arcing at the points every time they open and close. If not, you may be missing a ground to the breaker plate. If it is, then put on the rotor. Pull #1 plug & stick your finger in the hole. Bump engine over unti compression is pushing your finger out. Bring timming marks up to TDC and see where the rotor is pointing.