i was reading in here a while ago, that "satin black" was the way to go when painting the interior, but as i was doing some research it says its a flat black?? and for vinyl and plastic, i need to respray my rear metal deck, inside rear window, what works best on metal?
Don't flame me, I might be wrong... However I seem to remember the factory trim paint being "semi-flat". How that is different from semi-gloss or satin black is a mystery to me! Also, this info was given to me long ago when I dreamed of owning a Stang. Therefore it may very well not pertain to Mavericks. I know for a fact that when Mustangs had black engine compartments, it was semi-flat that was 'correct'. I don't think Mavericks ever got the black engine bay treatment, unless the car was black . Dave Btw: When it comes to any panel that might reflect on your front or rear windows, flat type paint works best to reduce glare. That is why modern cars no longer have colorful dashes like in the old days. I can't stand the fact that new cars have such dull colors inside, then, even if you do find a color you like the dash is still bland... usually dark, flat, gray. I am the type that, if I wanted red interior in a car, I want red, not maroon, and the dash better match!
if you go to your local paint and supply automotive store they have what is known as trim black that is like a semi-gloss that does the job. i do the paint mixing for the local o'riellys and everyone i direct to that says it does a wonderful job. sems makes it and so does duplicolor
i agree with you 110% i love all the old school colors in the interior, RED, WHITE, BLUE i even like the old green and tans , all cars today look identical on the inside, im not a new car fan, they all look alike too
I wonder if some things had more to do with exactly where the cars were built. I have had 2 Sprints, one from San Diego, one from Canada, they are distinctively different. More than just options too. Just little details. Acorn, you say yours was built in Dearborn? Maybe they did things a little different? Dave
I don't know where mine was built, but, mine was black too... maybe think about a catalyzed paint, SEM is basically a lacquer, and solvents,(gas, degreasers, other underhood stuff, etc.) damage it. That is just my experience with SEM, not bad paint just not as durabale as a catalyzed paint.
Check the second digit of the VIN: F = Dearborn K = Kansas City X = St. Thomas (Canada) I don't know if there are other plants besides these 3 that made Mavericks or Comets. I remember Craig saying all 70 models were made in Kansas City or Canada, and other plants were added for later years. Eric J
I painted that part with the SEM it came out allright its not a place that gets touched alot any way.
I don't think there is a San Diego assembly plant. Cali has one in LA (J) and San Jose (R) and as far as I know, they never made Mavericks.