Hi guys I have a question involving the Supernatural. I saw a while back on TV a fellow who inherited this hopped up racing Maverick from his deceased uncle, and had this dream he would die if he drove this car. He asked this physic lady on montel about the dream, ( can't remember her name) and she said yes somehow he would die driving this car. My question is would you take the chance? Personally I probably would strip it out and build a fancy 72' GT Comet with all the good stuff, rebuild the Maverick to stock and sell it.
I stopped x-ing out the black cats years ago!! Lets see what that baby can do... and if by some chance I do die while I'm pedal to the medal, it was ment to be. I guess you could play it safe and sell the huanted MAV then take that money and build whatever you wanted. Now if that ever happen to me, I would loading that sweet thing on the trailer and weeebe going to the track. Bossmav
hmm If I knew I was going to die when I drove the car... I would skydive, hangglide, all the usual suspects that my parents say Ill die on their insurance, then I would pedal to the metal straight into the front of the place I like the least, the import custom shop!!!
I would, as would others take the chance. Cause if I died it would one bad a$$ journey. And since I believe in pre-destination it would have been my time!
The way I figure it, when your ticket is up, it's up. It doesn,t matter if you are driving your Maverick on the track or on the street. If someone told me I was going to die driving my Maverick, then I'd take that chance and keep my eyes open. We all got to go sometime. Might as well go doing something we love doing.
ksjfkldjfkldsjf That old lady's name is Silvia Brown. She's a phycho ho's-beast my mom hails to all the time. I see her books everywhere in the house and my mom even got my bro's girlfriend to read her crap. She is weird and my bro and me are against her super-natural abilities and beliefs. I heard once she said she even has over 500 f.b.i. cases on her desk waiting for her to -figure out- and that she was just in Egypt in the newly discovered tombs using her -abilities- to figure out how they lived -back then- or something like that. It's scary weirded out s*** and I think goin either way with the haunted mav situation is okay, just don't make it into a comet plz.
Hey Mav-Dude- What part of the state are you from? A buddy and I are seriously thinking about starting a cruising Assoc. here in whatcom county to replace the existing one (about 20-30 retirees with Chev powered '32 ford coups that "cruise" twice a year) and could use more folks.
hmmmm Too bad i dont live closer. it would be fun to be in a cruising assco. there arent many here either. ther is going to be a cruis tonight actualy too bad ill be gone though.
Yo courier11sec!!! I live in Marysville in snohomish and that cruising assoc. would be the s***, let's talk more about that.
The former owner of my mav is deceased. His family kept the car for three years at a junkyard because they didnt want to let it go. They live in indiana, I showed them the car last year and they were so proud that thier family members car was still around. I'm not afriad of it. If I were him I'd be happy that my first car was bringing so much joy to someone elses life. The only thing I left on the car was a wsmall window sticker that says: Harvard Medical Area. apperently this guy went to harvard. I left it on there for good karma.
Mav-Dude Sounds good. See if you can enlist a few more of your buddies too. Hoping to keep the import crowd out of this. They'll end up trying to recreate the 3min quarter mile scene from "Fast and the Furious" The only way this will work is if we're not out racing around on the damned street. Give me a call if you find yourself headed up my way and maybe we'll go get a burger. (360)201-5048
Make it a comet!!! Mine's haunted, darn thing turns the radio on all by itself. If I get mad at the car while I'm driving it'll shut off completely. Has an attitude problem I'm tellin ya. But if I died in it, I'd die happy.