I finally got it home and have began to monkey around with it a bit. I have a couple of questions that I hope some of you could shed some light on. When I first got it home, it would run, very roughly, and then when you would put it in gear, it would die. (No vacuum leaks). It has that semi-auto transmission. I thought that the carb was the culprit as I really couldn't get the idle adjusted. So, I replaced the carb with a carter reman. Put it on tonight and it was purring like a kitten, and would actually stay running when put in gear. But, now comes my question, when the car was in drive or reverse, the carb was leaking gas like crazy, and it looked like it was coming from behind/under the bowl (where the rods for the float I'm guessing). I followed all the install instructions to the "t". It was fine when idling, but under load it leaked. I pulled it off and called it a night. Could I have gotten a bad reman carb? #2 When going from park or neutral to reverse or drive, is it common with the semi auto transmissions to jerk extremely hard and put that big of a load on the engine? I don't have much experience with these, only my son's 77, and his C4 works fine. Any help would be appreciated.
Sounds like the float may be sticking or it may have some junk between the needle and seat. Is this a Carter YF or RBS? If it has a warranty on it I would just take it back... As for the jerk, it may be idleing to high. If you hear any sort of clanking, I would replace the U-joints.
i agree with jamie it is probably a sunk float or junk in the needle and seat. i had a holley 600 that leaked gas out of the vacuum pump. but i got a new carb for chistmas.
I'm really close to selling this POS as now this is the 4th carb, still won't run right. Changed the points/condenser to pertronix, still won't run right. When its put into reverse (especially) or even drive it dies. Anyone close to the Longview, WA area that could come take a look, as I am about to list this in the 4 Sale section. At this point I'm ready to part it out with a chop saw, an axe, 5 gallons of gas and a zippo...... Someone help please........ Picked the wrong time to quit smoking. Jim
Man, wish i was close enough to help you out in person.you might want to have someone with a vac guage and or mixture meter help you out. I think the mixture and idle speed arent quite right, but hard to tell from here. dont lose hope, once you get it you shouldnt have to mess with it again for a long long time.
Boy fellas, do I feel like an idiot. I went back through the ol Ford factory manual and was doing some reading, and just out of curiosity, I did a compression test, and wouldn't ya know ....well here are the results: #1 155 #2 "0" did not measure and only 40 after 30cc of oil #3 "0" did not measure and only 30 after 30cc of oil #4 85 #5 120 #6 160 Guess its hard to get a good idle if your only bangin on 3.5 cylinders. So, whats the next step? Do I pull it and rebuild or continue the quest for the elusive 302 to drop in it? Decisions, decisions...... Thanks to all for your assistance and insite. Jim (the moron)
I wouldn't mess with rebuilding it. Probably would be cheaper/easyer to just find another 6 cylinder to drop in. If you were closer I would give you one.