Anyone know if a C6 tranny will fit in a 70 Maverick with an 83 302? I was told that the C4 wouldn't last! I have the tranny out right now, changing out bellhousings and flywheel, or should I just stick with the C4....any help is greatly appreciated!!
A properly built C4 will handle anything that 302 will give. The C6 will fit, you would need to modify the trans tunnel some. The parasitic loss will be greater with the C6 also.
A C6 uses almost twice the power to physically turn than a C4 from what I have always been told. Also, the crossmember on our cars is set up for C4 use only. Unlike many other Fords that had adjustable crossmembers because they could be had new with a wide variety of trannys. This means some pretty serious fabbing to get a tranny member to fit with a C6. Your TC and flexplate would also be C6 only. Given the year of your engine, it would require the 50 oz balance. Then... if you have headers, 302 car headers will not fit a C6 unless you heat and bend the collectors out, or put spacers between the header flange and heads. A C4 can be built very stout. Less trouble IMO. Dave
Thanks for the info guys..I will stay with the C4, its just that I had some trouble yesterday in changing the bellhousing on my C4 and the thought crossed my mind. Plus there are plenty of "know it alls" that had plenty to say about stuffing a C6 in place of the guy even said that the C4 would only last 200 miles behind a moderately built 302:confused: This guys owns a shop to boot To each his own I guess......
Guys like that are entertaining. Invite him to join in a debate on the topic here on MMB. I know very little about the inside of a C4 vs a C5 vs a C6 vs a C7 or 8 - but I know that the C4 is the tranny of choice when it comes to drag racing a small block (yes, some can use a Powerglide - and some THINK they can run a Powerglide - but they aren't the standard issue 'glides either). Staying with your C4 is a smart move - like staying away from that guy's shop. (ooh. I ranted a bit. sorry. )
C-4 can be built to take big block power if you want to. go to broader performance site & just look at the upgrades for C-4;s,C-5;s (1970's)& how cheap parts are for them too. I;ve just(had) built a 79 C-4 with a GV unit for 6 forward speeds, like picking up 50hp & more fun than you can imagine!
the c4 can be built to withstand anything a built 302 could dish out.the best tranny ford ever produced.the c6 comparable to the fmx is a dog,robbing valuable horsepower.sounds like i would steer clear of that shop.
i have a moderately built 302./.. im guessing about 240 HP.. and the c4 i have is just fine... no hickups.. IN FACT.. then i shift it from 1st to 2nd.. it wiggles the a$$ end and gets up and moves... i even drop it from 2nd to 1st just to get up and go .. and it never hiccups... that guy is feeding you a load of crap because he is probably a chevy guy.. and we ALL KNOW about them chevy people
Gear Vendors If you look at building or buying a performance O/D tranny, like a lentech AOD, a GV unit works out to about the same, if you;ve already got a good C-4 to bolt it to Roger