Hello All, Caitlin had the mav painted around Thanksgiving, and yesterday she got her drivers license, and she was off. I thought you all might like to see a pic. This is her leaving the house for the first time in the mav, all by herself!
Is she on her cell telling her friends? Ha! Congrats to Caitlin. Great memorable picture to go along with a great looking car!
Ain't that the truth. I hope she isn't driveing around and talking on that phone at the same time. Good looking car!
We have had the talk about driving and the cell phone, I hope she listens! Im not sure of the color code, they just color matched it to the paint under the trunk lid. Thanks for the positive feed-back! Wendy and Caitlin
Nice looking car. Glad she decided to go with a car that is different. Not with the in crowd of ricers...She'll like the looks & thumbsup when driving...