Other than my three, I have seen one up the street in the guy's backyard that has been there for about 15 years+. On the road I have seen three others, and none in junkyards.
well so far I have 1 on the rode would have gone to the junk yard . there is 1 comet and 1 mav at the yard up here in sullivan and 1 comet , 2 mavericks on the rode one of them being mine
Where I live in MI. there are more mavs than youd think. I have 1 I had two more last year that I sent back to the yard after I took the parts I needed. in my town there are five mavericks. 3 are 4door and 2 are 2door. in a neigboring town there are 3 that I know of. thats 11 in only two towns here. There has got to be alot more out here.
I can tell you since I bought mine, I've had 4 friends each pick one up for restomod V8 projects. They can't believe how inexpensive they are. I've got another friend looking for one, but he is being very picky.
I have a '72 2 door mav daily driver, and a '76 Comet daily driver that is a 4 door. Last week I nearly ran off of the road when I looked over and saw a '72 Comet 2 door next to me in traffic. In 4 years not counting mine I have seen 4 other mav/comets. I have a line on two parts cars, and another possible that I will be buying. That will give me 3 parts cars and 2 daily drivers . Country's doin' his part to stave off disaster. Preston
Don't hate me for this one, but other than me n my dads cars, we had a 75. we stripped it out pretty good, prior to throwing a tire through the windshield of course. Then we sent it to the yard. I hate to say it but we chewed it up and spit it out. sorry...
Country Mav: Just for the record: I saw a olive green 4-door Comet on the side of hwy 3 north of Shrevesport and south of the Arkansas state line. This was in mid April when I was coming home from North Carolina.
I know of one comet in my area and lots of mavs circulating. I think 7 counting the new one I saw today
no offence or anything but you should check the date of the last post before you reply to a post. theres no sence in digging up threads from years ago
Well living here in Las Vegas, I have only seen three besides mine. And I have been here for about 5 years. And back home where I grew up in Utah, I only knew of two.
ive got a maverick and a comet. i know of one 77 broke down in a yard. theres another guy i know with a 71. there was one up the street but he sold it to a new member on here. theres 2 others that make the local cruises and i know a guy through racing junk who has a really nice 77 351c hidden away in his garage and right next to it is a full tube frame comet GT. i also met a woman at the gas station who has a beat to hell 73 4door in her back yard so thats about 10 in a 30 mile radius. my 4door comet is the only one that sees anything close to daily driver status tho