whats going on i just found this site pretty sweet i see a few of you beat me to the punch with the big blocks i am puttin a 351w stroked out to a 427 in my maverick i am hoping to run a low 1/4 mile but just wanted to say hey to ever one
Willie says hello and . We like pictures here. And I'm sure your going to get along with the drag guys on here. Maybe you can make it the Round-Up this year.
, some of us are getting together at knotts on april 9th and there is a gathering june 9-11th in reno.
Sick i think i might have to meet up with you guys... i need to see other mavericks and what people have done to them! i am like the only one around here with one
welcome to the board. sounds like an awesome car. you guys keep puttin the cubes in there and i may have to up the 308 in mine.
Howdy and Come to the Roundup this year and you will probably see at least 50 Mavericks and Comets all in one place.
Hey Vic, Nice to see another Norcal guy on the boards. You will like this site alot. Scott Tracy,Ca. 71 Comet GT
ya i alreayd like this site!! haha hey do any of you guys know where i can get a hold of some v8 frame brakites?
V8 frame brackets are on ebay from time to time. May want to post that you are looking for some in the parts wanted section also.
Welcome,,, yeah, we all thought we were the only ones till we either found the MCCI or this site many years ago. Dan