Will not work. I borrowed one form a buddy and tryed placing it up against the chassis and no dice. Too deep and too wide. I was hoping to be able to cut it and splice it (wanted the cut outs for exahust)...oh well.
Since the 71-73 was probably the widest Mustangs ever made I wouldn't think it would fit ... did any of the earlier Mustangs have the exhaust cutouts?
I have seen it posted that at least one person here used a 69 valance without issue. The comment was that it fit good enough that it was not noticable. The 69 and 70 should be the same and have exhaust notches. 69 had rectangular while the 70 had round exhaust pipe. Dave
Like I said though, now we know. I'll look into the '69 valance, My buddy is going to look at me like I'm smoking crack with a monkey on my head for getting another valance but hey, he's looked at me like that before. BTW I'm pretty sure the '69 and '70 Mustang both had notches...in fact I don't think anything had cutouts but the '67 and '68 Shelby and '68 XR7G; and all three used a trim peice to hide the cuts.