Well I've started to take apart the 4 dr. mav. I was wondering if it sounds like I'm doing this all right. I have the finders, hood, grill, bumper, frount valance all off, "I need to get new finders" I also have off the car is the rear bumper (3 out of the 4 bolt snapped off) so I need a new rear bumper, guts and crome, The interior is all gutted, I have the frount bench out, the back seat, all the pannals out except the one that are held in by the star bolts (seat belts) the bottom part of the dash is taken off, and the all the duct work is taken out except the a/c heater box. the insterment cluster is taken out and the heater controls are also taken out. The windsheild arms are off, but the tranny for them and linkage is still in the car, all bolts, and wire has been labled and kept with the idems. I have taken (riped) out the carpet, and the wool stuff stuck to the carpet and the black paper stuff. So how does it sound so far?? are you able to by new sound deadner suff mine ither riped apart or stuck to the carpet or floor. So I need that and new carpet, ither new pannals or mine reconditioned, my headliner needs to be replaced or it mabe could possably be fixed?? My plans are to finish taking the seat belts out and clean it up, then (when I get the cash) take it to the shop and get the motor and tranny pulled along with all the motor bay suff, and have all that redone to prefection, when that is getting done, take the rolling shell to the body shop and get the best job possable done to it, then take the reworked shell with the back glass removed and the windsheild taken out to a ford dealerships and have them replace all the weather stripping on all the windows, doors, and the trunk........ So how does all that sound??? Let me know some thouhgts, and what does that autokrafters book offer??? do they have new finders, or back bumpers.... these are just plans which will most likly change (as I will do it myself) any how..... 754dr.
754DR; Sounds like you have it about right, but I will tell you, from experience, some things not to do. The chrome around the roof rails and doors is very hard to get off cleanly, without denting or bending it. If you must, use a round bottle opener with black electrical tape on it to gently pry it off. Also, you can order all of the soft parts, like door rubber, belt line weatherstrip, and all of the rubber parts from places like AutoKrafters. It is a whole lot less expensive to do it yourself instead of letting a Ford dealer do it. Just be very carefull, and it is easy to do. I hope this sheds some light on it, and good luck. Let us know how it goes, and send some pics. Earl
I not sure about this but I don't think Auto Krafters sells back glass weather striping. One piece of advice-- before you tear all of the stuff apart, Make sure you can buy replacement parts. I have taken some stuff apart and then found out that NO-ONE makes new pieces. It makes your life difficult. MHO Russ
I know what you mean thought of that all ready!! I leaving the headliner on the car, I think they mabe able to fix it (not sure though) I need a new heater a/c box in the past by somebody took it out and replaced the core, but they took out only the bottom part and cracked and broke it all up. there fiz was bondo, duck tape, and fome.... I'm pretty sure that is the reason whay my heater sucked, it was getting cold air, and not heated air, so any one have a a good used one?? off a 1975 with a/c I have another one but its off a 75 with out a/c up for sale!! or trade!!! I'll keep you all posted on my project!! Thanks
754dr: I have the interior out of my 70 Grabber and will be putting down some sound deadener called "Dynamat." The stock sound deadener is okay, but I want to see if I can quiet the interrior down a little. The stuff cost about 50 or 60 for 2 kits, which should be enough to do most everything. Someone suggested WR Grace Water & Ice Shield as a lower cost substitute. It's that membrane stuff used by roofers. I checked it out, only problem you have to buy a lot more than is needed for one car. Tom
getting farther Well I got the inside out side of the car, but left with a small but big problem, the front seat belts, that are bolted to the rocker pannal, I've striped one, the other one is getting there, and the passenger side moves the bit (twistes it) I'm not sure on what to do vice grips can get to them, I would just leave them alone, but I get it out some what so now they are lose.... here is a photo or it to show you all what I'm talking about help me out guys I know there has to be somebody that has had this problem..... ok so the photo doesn't work, if you would go to www.fordmaverick.com and look at the topic of how to get these off now.... thanks guys
Well..... Been working on it pretty hard, power washed the hole out side of the car, and the engin bay. I think I'm going to do the body work my self, to save money, and also because I can, it my not last for ever. I still haven't gotten the seat belts out, I'm going to levae that to the guy who takes out my motor and tranny to get them rebuilt. I'm having some truble decididing on a color for my car, it has the tan interior, so I was thinking on black with gold lines like the gabber, or painting it yellow with black lines (like the grabber) By no means am I gong to slap the name grabber on my car, I just like the looks of the paint shime. What would you all go for?? I'm going to get the 250 built with some clifford stuff hedders dual exaust, and a maybe a good valve job, rebuild the hole motor. I still have a long way to go, but its going along smoothly, today I'm going to hit walmart and get some rust remover stuff, and get some sand paper, and all that fun body work stuff. Then going to the junk yard to hope to find a good back bumper for a 75... my crome is nice, but the guts in the bumper are gone, also some nonrusted out finders, and a a/c heater box, and other odds and ends, let me know your thoughts on this stuff, I'd like to know!!! 754dr.
dual exhaust I admire your enthusiasm! Hope all goes well! The only thing is that I don't think you can get dual mufflers on a straight six. Check around. Best wishes.~ tek
Got the floors done Well its moving along still the seat belts are int he car (haven't gotten those out yet) but the floors have been wire brused and parinted with that rust change over stuff, then I put down some ove that rubber truck bed stuff, look nice and I have nothing to worry about (I hope) THis will give you all an idea of how the rest look I just took this one to show you all how good they look now!!
Great Progress... Hey Man, You're on the right track, and that's some great work. Keep up the momentum--you'll find it to be very rewarding! Yours, Atzy.
My list on the right track, but the list o parts keeps getting bigger!!! The only problem I have with this list is weater to keep what I have which may be broken or good, but fadded, or try and find new, some things I will need such as a new a/c heater box I'm haveing truble trying to find that one!! and pannals and such and side marker lights and tail light carpet and such, I think I may try and find new, but when I can find I never seem to have the $$$$ then it goes down hill, but I have seemed to have found a source for some inside the car parts, but the 75 maverick a/c heater box seems to be a chore.. any one have one???? 754.dr