carlo, i was up in spalding co. yesterday. if you like, shoot me a pm and a phone # and we could hook up and go look at it together. maybe if it is on the weekend earl, could join us...frank...
I'll be dead honest with you here. The only real thing the Maverick has going for it against that Rabbit is that the Maverick would be safer in a wreck (ask me how I know), and the heat might work. If you are planning to drive this car daily, you are going to have problems with it, I guarentee it. Sometimes you will have to replace parts on a weekly or monthly basis. Not trying to scare you off, but I just want to be honest with you based on my own experience of driving one daily. You gotta remeber that it is a 30+ year old car, it's going to have bugs your going to have to work out unless some little old granny had it and it's been garaged it's whole life. Other then that, they are great cars. They are very reliable when properly maintained.
whats up man. iam 17 and on my first maverick too. it'll be 2 weeks on sunday, so far so go. I wouldnt say its one of the ugliest cars of the 70's (at least the 2drs) but one of the slowest and weakest american cars of the 70's after all it is one of those "70's gas chrisis" cars. mine has the 250 I6, it doesnt like hills too much but has no problem do 65mph with very go mpg's. at least compared to the rest of the collection lol. rather have it than your VW lol
a little tuning can make a big diff. my straight six was stock but could hold its own against a lot of hondas and ricers. the four door and grabber where both 302 but even stock they smoked many a chevy and a few fords. you sound like you do have previous mechanical exp. if your running points, consider swapping them out. then dial it in
Well, I went to look at it again this weekend, and it's still anyone's guess. The owners still have not put anything but the price on the car, and it's just on the side of the road, so there is no one around to ask that might know who owns it. So, I'll just have to wait some more, but in the meantime, I've got my eyes open for any other mavs or comets. Thanks for all the comments guys. I know that getting a car this old to use as a daily driver is a risk, but considering my budget, any car I buy will be at the very least 15-20 years old. Regular maintenace isnt anything new to me; I replace something on the rabbit about every month or so, and it runs strong for a little econo-box going on 25. For me, the price of working on a car to keep it up and running is well worth it to drive a great old car. If anyone sees or hears of any mavs or comets in the atlanta area, let me know.
Speaking of beating ricers, when my dad was my age he bought a Chevy Cosworth Twin-Cam Vega. You might not know the history of the Cosworths, so they were all hand-made in NY. The cosworth racing engine was designed in england, and failed to pass epa standards in 1974, so the car was first produced in '75 with the classic black and gold paint. They were also made in '76, with more colors to try and boost sales. I love hearing stories of my dad pulling up beside 280z's and after smoking them, they went home thinking that they were beaten my a normal vega, lol.
Did you put a note on it and ask them to call you? How can they expect to sell it if they don't even give a phone number? These people don't sound too bright, or maybe they don't really want to sell it. Roz