Awesome....Is that for the 302? If it don't clear the hood...try dual cobra scoops......That's different on the outside.....If you wanna sell it let me know...
it might if you put low profile air cleaners on.if you can find a way to do a mockup test would be the best way to check though.
I had one of those a few years back..... never used it but it sure was cool looking. I wouldnt count on it clearing,by the time ya throw the carbs on and some form of aircleaner, but, ya never know.
I just traded for a second hood, so whatever I end up with...I will cut the 2nd hood to fit. Scoop, cowl, or maybe just a hole for the carb to stick up through. And of course, when I put on my blower :evilsmile
you know, with that intake you could copy the cramaro 68 shaker hood scoops and make them actually functional......
I had one. Tried it on for size, but never ran it. It won't clear the hood... That wasn't the reason I didn't run it though. It won't clear any valve covers but stock. At the time I had roller rockers and tall covers, so I sold the intake. Got it for 80 bux, turned it for 150. Dave Edit: What I really liked about that intake, compared to the M/T, is that each plenum is totally independent from the other. Seems like it would make for much easier tuning. The runners are very long and straight. The intake actually makes excellent torque at lower rpm. It also has a very broad power band. I got this info from old school guys that actually ran these things in competition. The intake is actually an extension of the long runner torque design of a tunnel ram... just taken even further. The M/T crossram has what appears to be 2 plenums, however they are connected under the carbs, so a tuning issue in one carb could not be isolated easily. Also, throttle response would be softer. Gotta take the intake off to get the valve covers off!
Hello thanks for all the replys, But I don't own this intake I seen it is on ebay if any one wants it I don't want to cut holes in my grabber hood and I also have tall valve covers so I will just stick with my 289 torqer. Thanks Jim
Actually, I DID find a couple of blowers in a parts yard, but they were off of a semi and weren't the pretty chrome plated thingies we use. Similar, but I figured it would be too hard to make it fit.