so iam stopped at a light last night and this little tiny honda 2 door hatch back pulls up covered in stickers and decals with one of these loud "buzzing" mufflers. Iam sure we've all seen this guy around before so he starts laughing at me, than i said "whose lawn mower did you steal that engine from?" the light turned green, i floored the 250 I6 and he got a pretty good look at my tail lights i know its not a crowning achievement to beat a Honda but it built up some confidence in my little 6 banger. :evilsmile
Ain't it the Best? I did that to a Souped up Geo Metro that was blasting Rap, withe nasty Bass. He glared at me. So, I cranked up Slayer's Seasons in The Abyss, and left him the dust! :evilsmile That was last spring. I hope to be repeating that performance this summer soon!
I walk all over them in my '72. And this 250 has 204,000 miles on it! You get one next to you at a red light, just watch the light for the other direction thats green. When it goes yellow, hold your brake and rev it up to about 1500 and watch you light. When it goes green, stomp it and let off the brake and shift it manually from first to second at about 3,500 RPM, second to thrid at 4,000.
should this info. be in the "drag racing fourm"? or maybe the "drag racing (don't) forum" ...frank...
Well the entire thread is about beating Honda's with an I6. Thats exactly what my post was about, and if my post should be in drag racing, the entire thread should be.
If you're really good you can anticipate the 2 second delay between the cross traffic red and your green. Not that I've ever done that. There's just something about two 17 second cars stop light racing. I don't know what it is, but there's definitely something about it.
just always pay attention to the cross traffic to make sure they are actually gonna stop.seen a guy run a red and hit another guy whose lite was completely green.
I've had alot of youngsters (16-20) in stupid ass "performance" 4 cylinders laugh at my car, some didn't even know what it was. Until after I beat them in the street with speed, then I'd be waiting at the car wash where I'd proceed to give them the entire history of our favorite car!
Hondas I beat Honduhs at the circle track in my Metro all the time. Boy does it piss them off. Especially when I pop the hood and show them my 58 screaming horses (hamsters) and the fact that it is a 3 cylinder to boot. The engine in question has 219,000 original miles on it and all I have had to do is a valve job and regular maintenece to it. I've beat a couple of them turbo'd Honduhs with it too.
as to wether it should be in the drag racing forum or not. evry time there's an accident and they call it drag racing, or blame it on drag racers, i cringe. this should be in the street racing forum. but then i guess there's a reason we don't have one of those.
well that isnt that hard... i have imports get next to me all the time... i usually leave them alone.. but somtimes i like to toy with them.... jsut barely get in front of them and kinda make them think they are that fast... then the next light i say.. dang your car is fast... they are like yeah.. i does ok... they say i almost had you though.. then i say.. how about one more time... they say ok... then i flat out leave them like yesterdays news... it feels so good... i dotn do it often though.. i dont want to get a ticket...