Ok guys...I have bad news, and more bad news...I decided to sell Black Betty because I got a brand new car and I wasnt driving her and i felt like she was being neglacted...Well, Friday morning I sold her to a young guy and girl around 23-25 I would guess..Hubby explained that she was a 35 yr old car and that she needed to be babied..ie..check the fluids, stay under 70 on the freeway, let her warm up before driving...and so on and so forth...well I got a call today from the girl saying that she was on the freeway and that the car "just died" so I gave her hubbys number and then the story turned into it being the guy driving it and it broke down at 4 am this morning...So here is the thing...I feel terrible that they had that happen, but on the other hand, i think that he just burned her up...So i dont feel obligated...should I...comments anyone?
was it running fine before/when he test drove it?also was it a "buy it as is deal"?as long as he approved about how it looked and ran and he gave you the money,i say it's on him.more than likely he hot-rodded it to hell,and killed it.to me a buyer has the time to put a car through some paces,kick the tires,look it over,have it looked over by his own mechanic,etc.
We need more of the "story" It don't matter what time of day it was or who was driving the car, just why did it die? Out of gas, etc.
Yes it was running great...I had it over a year and it was my daily driver...I never had any problems with it at all...and it was "as is"...
IMO - You explained the car to them, the age, how to drive an older car versus a newer car. And unless you offered some kind of warranty, I'd say you've done your part. Just my
it not be your prob... i think you feel bad for the car...not the driver ...frank... i borrowed a guys tiller for 2 days. when i took it back we unloaded it and he fired it up and drove it across the yard to the shed. when he got there it back fired and shut off. the next day at work he told me the engine blew... i tried to pay for the repair or at least half and he said no...it was running when i brought it back so i didn't owe anything. not everyone is this understanding... ...frank...
You explained the 30 year used car warranty to him, did'nt ya? ---AS-IS--- I would'nt worry about it. Have fun with your new car. Ken
sorry that happened. when i bought my 70 the guy drove it here from phoenix. i drove it around the block the next day. next time i went to use it the brake pedal went to the floor. new master cylinder. i was just glad it didn't happen while he was on the freeway. old cars have a tendency of having problems. we still love ya.
Sorry...if you had doctored up something just to get rid of it then yes, you may have a little responsibility there but I don't believe this has happened. When you buy a car like this, you are ALWAYS buying "As Is". Who in their right mind would give a warranty on a 35+ year old car? Regardless of what is wrong with the car, it's on him...doesn't matter if it's out of gas or burnt up motor! It is always the buyers responsibility to check a car over from top to bottom to make sure it is as represented. I hate that something happened but you owe him nothing! Have a great day!
You sold the car "As is". They accepted it "As is", and they paid for it " As is". Once all the paperwork is done and the keys are in thier hands, whatever happens next is thier problem. I wouldn't worry about it anymore. Just don't let them try to bager you into fixing stuff on the car that they now own. It's thier responsibility now.