I dont want to buy it back...thats not an idea that I even want to entertain...I already sent off for parts for the Grabber with some of the money and I dont even know what the guy did to the car while he had it(racing it or whatever)...
man I'm in the wrong business, I could be charging $250.00 to change a set of plugs...were they gold or what....
i personally think he got taken if he paid $250 for a change of plugs also. but most don't buy an old car without expecting to do a little bit of work on it or invest some money into it. i don't think you have a responsibility. sad to say but i would think that i wouldn't go back to the seller unless i thought they had hidden something. even then they wouldn't have a responsibility to me.
Installing Splitfires in a I-6 Maverick is a waste of money, not to mention that no Maverick ever came equipped with them, so they would be the "wrong plugs" too...
there are many brands of plugs. just because a car came with autolites, does it mean if i use champions they are wrong. many companies make different plugs for vehicles. just because a splitfire was used dosen't make it a wrong plug.
Okay wise-guys, it was a "tongue-in-cheek" remark. The people who bought the car said it "died" because it had the wrong plugs in it. Well, I find it hard to believe that Xtasea's husband would put the wrong plugs in it, and if he did, why did it run just fine for them before they sold it? If the new owners simply wanted to get the car running again, the obvious choice would have been to have OEM-type plugs installed, as they would be the least expensive and would have been certain to be the "right" ones. My point? If the new owners want to spend a ridiculous amount of money for what would be an upgrade or modification, not simply a repair, then that's on them. That would be like me spending $350 for a Holley 4-barrel, and then telling the previous owner that I had to spend $350 because the carb (original 2-barrel) was worn out, and expecting him/her to feel sorry for me...
Well, they left a voicemail on my Hubby's phone and they want us to give them $250...but after a few opinions here, I really dont feel obligated to them...Not my fault that he didn't know how to change sparkplugs on his own
IMO absolutely NOT your problem. I am not sure if you knew these people before the car purchase....but i think that takes a couple big ones to even ask. Take the $250 and send it to me...i need some new parts
As a mechanic if I could charge that much for plugs on a maverick(some cars I can ) I could retire very soon. Don't buy there BS, move on with out any guilt. But as is means just that. If they were worried they should have had a mechanic check it before they bought it......
When you buy a car off of a private individual....it is strictly AS-IS. the term buyer beware comes to mind. You owe the new owner's absolutley nothing. You bought the car as-is....your drove it as-is.....you fixed it as-is.........and then you SOLD it exactly the same way AS-IS!!!!