I swapped out my grill on my 70 Maverick with a Grabber grill and now I have a clearance issue with the light bulb attachments.The light bulb holder comes straight out the back of the Grabber grill light and hits the radiator support.It is so tight that you can't get them out unless you remove the grill.Does anyone know if they make a right angle light bulb holder that I can use instead of the straight ones.I know I've seen these on some other Ford cars.There must be a difference in the dimension between the grill on the 70 and later ones that came with the Grabber grill.Unless there is a hole behind the lights? I will also post some pictures when I get my latest brain storm finished.With all the talk about moving the battery to the trunk,I decided to move mine.I am using a different approach.I bought a real nice heavy-duty tool box at Lowes and will bolt and mount the battery inside of this in the trunk.It is just large enough that I can put a divider in it and store some spare parts.It also has compartments in the lid for small objects (like fuses etc.). I also bought a matching box that is a little larger that I can take out which I will be able to put cleaning supplies in for when I finally get this car done and can go to some shows.When you look in the trunk,you can't tell that the battery is located there. Along with the relocation of the battery,I decided to clean up all the electrical wiring around the battery side of the engine compartment.I found an air filter box from a 1986 Ford LTD fits where the battery was located.I have mounted it to the fender apron and am relocating the starter solenoid,voltage regulator,electric fan relay and a power junction block inside the box.It is amazing how much cleaner the engine compartment is without all of those wires hanging and running every which way.All the wiring now comes in from underneath.Just thought I would share this with you guys.
I will get some pictures up as soon as possible.Right now my wifes digital camera is on the fritz.It will take pictures,but you can't download them.Software screw up I guess. I will get some on though.
When will I ever listen to youz guyz! cause as several of you have already said! I guess I took too long to post graybeard, you posted as I was writing, hope to see them pics soon.