Fender is off, old door is still on. I am POR-15-ing everything. Thanks for all the suggestions. You guys make it sound like it is a pretty easy job, once I get my gender off (almost sounds kinda nasty...) I don't have a "reach" but that may be a really good $3 investment. I don't know how I have made it all these years without one. I usually just cuss alot, then use a long screwdriver to jimmy the lost part around until i can grab it with needle-nose pliers or flip it out of where it is stuck. By the way, whoever first turned me on to POR-15...I am really hooked (and not just on the fumes This stuff is so easy to use, looks great, and if it works as well over time as everyone says, this car will be around rust free for a long, long time. My dad (an old mechanic and car guy) is really impressed that I am taking the time and making the effort to completely disassemble everything and coat it and making a "permanent" lasting project. By the way, the guy I bought the POR-15 from said that if you open the lid, then don't use it all, and put the lid back on, you will never get it back off again. He recommended that I drill two small holes in the top of the can 180 degrees apart. Pour out of one hole, the other is an air hole. Then put screws in the hole to seal it up between uses. I use screws with the rubber gasket built into them. I have "opened" the can about 8 times now, with no problems. Plus, he said to keep it in the fridge to keep it from curing as fast. Buy disposable rubber gloves, and wear a throw-away long sleeved shirt. I still have spots on my toes, legs, arms, and hands from the FIRST time I used this stuff over a month ago. I ought to make tattoos with this stuff...more permanent than Henna, but not as permanent as ink
Very true...that's the way I use mine. I took the lid off the 1st time I ever used it and had to keep changing the can or it would all dry up. Now that I use the screws it last a really long time.