I have a 69 1/2 maverick and I cant get the wiring right. dose any one know where I can get a harness for a good price thanks.
all of it, there is power to the fuse block but nothin isn working no lights no blinkers just the starter works.
I have checked all that i could find all fuses good all the grounds are there and good. I need some more to check on. I only have six fuses in the block that is all there is room for. I am dumb founded. If anything comes to mind please tell me. thanks Peanut
You will probably have to find the harness in a junkyard, talk to Autokrafters they have donor vehicles. If the starter is working with the key then you have power to the ignition key which is a good sign. Is the ground wire from the battery connected to the body as well as to the engine block? Does the motor start? Did this happen suddenly, or did you short circuit something? I would begin by checking the big plug (C7) on the firewall in the engine compartment check the pins for corrosion.
Ground strap. Get a ground strap. Connect one end of the ground strap to the chassis and the other end to the engine. Ensure that all connections are free of dirt, paint, or debris to ensure good solid ground. This will more than likely fix your problem. Kyle
Painless Wiring has A "universal" (with GM key) http://www.painlessperformance.com/webcatalog/cat-universalharn.php A little pricey tho-
I doubt very seriously that you need another harness unless it happens to be all butchered up. I'd check all of the above, especially the big plug in the firewall. Take it loose, check for corrosion, spray with wd40, and reinstall. If all else fails it will probably be cheaper to let an auto electrician look at it before you go replacing harnesses and stuff. Good luck with it.
I checked and a shop said that I dont have enough for them to go over the car Ha Ha Ha gota love the collage life. I just got back from the junk yard and found a four door in good shape I will scrounge it next week thanks for all the info Ill let you know the one that works. Peanut
What year is the 4 door? They changed the firewall connector. I'm not exactly sure what year but I think around 74.
the 4 door is a 76 but I learned some thing new today. dont let some one else test your car! GRACE had the meter on ohms not volts so the meter said that it was grounding not getting power I just pulled the tape off the wire it has some bo bo's I fixed them but it is still grounding if i change the wire from the + side of the cilinoide to the fire wall that should fix the problem right? I hope this will do it to get it on the road. Peanut