Tranny fluid is like donating blood... Some are interchangeable, some are not, and some can swap one way, but not the other. Type F is a universal donor, but a type F tranny can only use type F. Type H will not hurt the tranny so quickly. You would have to drive with the wrong fluid for an extended period. I tend to agree with those that think you do not have enough fluid yet. Fill it up to a safe level on the stick. Start the car. Run through the gears... 10 sec in each, then back to park. Check fluid level while engine still running. Add fluid as needed. Repeat over and over until fluid is hot and dipstick shows full... all while engine is still running. Such a small amount of wrong fluid would probably not hurt anything. I would do this first before draining or changing the screen. You should note though, that C4s will not operate right if the screen is clogged. Good luck Dave
Forgot to mention... When you fill a running tranny, add fluid, then stab the stick up and down a few times quickly. Just bring it up 2 or 3 inches, then down to seated or close. Up and down fast about 5 to 10 times. This breaks up any air bubbles and such that got pushed into the tube when you added some fluid. Do this any time you just added fluid and are about to check the level. Don't forget also to wipe the stick clean after stabbing, but before level checking.
And what would the long term effects of running Dexron/Mercon III in a C4 be? My grandpa has ran it for years in his old Fords without problems. I'm talking hundreds of thousands of miles with no adverse effects. It even says on the back of a quart of Dexron/Mercon III that it is compatible with older Ford transmissions that require Type F.
well i am pretty sure the brakes do work and they are not froze. I was able to push the car while it was in neutral, so I dont think the brakes are frozen. lol dont worry about me driving car yet. I just want to make it run and be able to drive up and down my yard to see if the brakes work correctly. the reason I havent hauled the car to the shop is because since my car is in a place out in the country, the shops are far away, more than a 10 minute drive. Secondly, my dad does have a dodge truck to haul the car, but we dont have the equipment and stuff. I dont have any money yet to buy any hauling equipment, or to go to a mechanic yet to make the car safe. and I dont really want to ask for money for my parents because I have already borrowed enough money from them. Right now my dad is just buying the transmission fluid. car doesnt have any inspection stickers yet either. nobody in family is a mechanic or know much about this stuff, thats why i dont know crap lol thank you all for your great responses and help, I really appreciate it. This Monday ill tell yall what happens.
don't worry. everyone here started just like you. i know i'm still learning and probably will be till the day i die.
the reason that I know what i know is I was and still am to poor to pay some one to fix my crap so I had to nothing but a thing rall out bud Peanut
Uh, speak for yourself...My dad had me changing spark plug and swapping oil and filter at age 4 (really ). Just bragging. He won't touch a car now. He used to have a Dodge van with a 440 and headers, a '69 corvette, a 69 Roadrunner, all kinds of fast cars. now he can't stand the sight of them. Won't touch my maverick, and has probably ridden in it twice in 4 years (on the positive side, he said it seemed about as fast as his old Roadrunner ) Seriously, though, the more you mess with it and ask questions, the more you learn. You WILL screw something up now and then, but just about everything can be fixed afterwards. I guess the most important thing is to just have a good time and don't get hurt in the process
scooper, did you know how to change those plugs at 4. didn't someone show you how to do it. we all had to start sometime, and yes there are those, like you, that got a start earlier in life. i wish i did. my dad wouldn't touch a car and wouldn't let me either. i really didn't start anything until i started circle track racing and realized very early that i couldn't afford to pay to have someone else do it. i still get a lot of help from my buddies at the track.
Heck with that, I was helping put a tunnel ram and dual Holley's on at 1 1/2! Grandpa taught me how to rebuild a carb when I was 5. Hell, the car I was brought home from the hospital as a newborn in was in Popular Hotrodding years later after we completely rebuilt it in our garage. My mom said she'll never forget the look on the nurses face when they came out of the hospital and my dad pulled up in that bright Orange car rumbleing the ground. Did my first engine swap with no help at 14 in my '71 F250. Your dad sounds about like mine. He won't have much to do with cars now. He's comeing around though. He's been talking about buying another '71 Comet that a kid where he works has. That or a big block Torino.
Duster, Auto Zone sells Type F fluid. I just bought a case for $23.00. It is the Coastal brand but it works for me for now.
Don, love that smilie, where did you find it (the "huddled mass")? I find it sad/unfortunate that some people are just not exposed to cars until they need to be (ie. when a tire blows out on the highway, when it quits running, etc.). I feel sorry for people who are driving on the highway, and when their car stops running, you see them on the side of the road with the hood up, just looking dumbfounded, like they have never seen under the hood before... Even though it is not the safest thing to do anymore, I am the guy who inevitably stops and helps swap the tire, or get the car moving (or provide cell phone or transportation if it won't get started). I just feel privileged to be one of the ones who knows a little about cars, and try to help others learn when they get in a bind. I always tell those I help what I am doing so they might have a better chance of doing it correctly next time they break down. Anyway, what was this thread about
that's the group hug on the "more" page of emoticons. also if i remember right we hijacked this thread from duster70 about tranny fluid. SORRY duster70, it was all scooper's fault. j/k
lol dont worry its cool. I got enough information already. thanks everyone all of the help was really useful. hopefully ill do everything today and the car will be running. ill tell yall what happens on monday/' If dosnt work then ill change the filter. If it doesnt work then ill come back to yall for more advice thanks alot!
good news! car works now!!!! bad news: no brakes after all damn. fix em later. Thank you all for your help, with out all of yalls advice, i would be so confused thanks alot people!!!!