I have some real time input on this, do you have an automatic on the column? My car had the exact same problem (if I pulled back on the shifter slightly all electricals worked), plus the car woudl not shift out of park once started, I took it to an electrical shop last week, It only needed an adjustment in the column, and everything worked fine. I did have them go back and check grounds too, and it turns out the Ground strap was missing from mine too. As I understand it the problem was fixed with the adjustment they made in the column. The ground strap was somehtign I had them check after the fact. Sorry I don't know exactly what they adjusted.
I will try the colomn thing tomarrow if that is it ill let you know and we can work through it and find out what is wrong.
It is now getting voltage but It is still ohming out I didnt think that was posible but I saw it my self Any one have any input It is just getting worse and worse.
Ok let's use the methods of science to find out what is wrong. What exactly is not working? You said the starter was working, but does the engine start? Does the alt light come on when you switch on the ignition? Do you have any lights? Blower motor? Wipers? Write down what is working and post here... Forget the ohm meter and that high impedance voltmeter. Believe me with these instruments and a car to act as an antenna you may as well be measuring the signal from the nearest radio station or a power line. Make a test lamp from a 12v light bulb and 2 wires connect one end to good ground and test with the other one, if you get light you have voltage. To test the fuses switch on the ignition and touch the metal end of all the fuses with your test probe, you should get light on all the ends of all the fuses. If you get light on one end, but not the other of a fuse then the fuse is blown. You can also test the ground connection by connecting one end of your test lamp to the positive terminal of the battery and the other to the engine block if you get good light you have ground to the engine then try connecting to the body to test if the body is getting ground. The lamp should be as bright as if you connected it directly between the battery terminals, otherwise you have bad connection. Write down where you have voltage and post it here. You may also want to make a drawing of the ignition switch connector and write down which pins have voltage with the ignition on.
the motor starts and runs. no lights no fan motor no wipers just the motor works. the alt light comes on with the key in acc position but not in the run
Sounds like the electrical part of the ignition switch may be bad. Try starting it up and slightly turn the key toward start while the engine is running to see if those components may start working. Be careful not to turn it so far that the starter will engage while the engine is running. The switch could be possibly out of adjustment or it could be bad.
I had that problem when I first put the engine in my '72. The car would not do anything at all, much less start. I agree with Ray...
RAyzorsharps solution matches to what the Auto Electric shop did When I had a problem, too, which was very similar to this, they made an adjustment and it cleared up the problem, My alt light was on in Acc position to.
I don't think this is the ignition switch. The park lights, main lights, interior lights, hazard lights and brake lights should work without even inserting the key I think you are not getting power to the wires 37A on the wiring diagram and 25 Wire 37A goes to the fuse box and powers 2 fuses 20A for the cig lighter, clock and hazard lights, the other fuse is 14A and is for the interior lights wire 25 goes to the light switch and should be a heavy wire Both of these wires are connected to the wire 21 that goes to the ignition switch and wire 37 that is the main power wire for the electrical system and is connected directly to the battery and the starter relay. And you have power on wire 21 and 37 otherwise the car wouldn't start. Do you have power on these fuses in the fusebox? the connection that conects these 4 wires might be inside the fusebox. Have you removed the fuse box and inspected it?
I redid all of the grounds but the blinkers and most of the lights dont work just the side marker lights in the back do work. the fan works and blinkers work.