There is a '77 Granada in the Pull-A-Part right now with what I would swear is an 8.8 rear, drum brakes. Why could I not get this rear, put disc brakes off a Thunderbird or Lincoln or something on it and put it in my Mav? Granada rears are the same dimensions as Mav's right? Going to have to swap the rear out of this '69.5 no matter what since it has a 7.5 right now, just thinking of alternatives/upgrades I could do while I'm at it.
Im not sure about your question, but to clarify, do you mean an 8" in the Granada? not 8.8 or is there something I dont know...
I just put a Granada rear 'neath my Maverick last weekend. It fits fine. From the measurements info I have, the Granada rear is 1" wider than the Maverick. It still sits good in the wheel wells. I did not use the Granada mounting pads that were on the axle but it looks like if you were to use them that you could get maybe a 1"-2" drop in the rear. Just what it looked like to me. Not to mention the fact that the Granada uses rubber mounts around the spring pack whereas the Maverick doesn't.
No. I mean 8.8. This rear is not a 7.5. It has a bolt on rear cover that is the shape of an 8.8, not rounded like the 7.5. The axel tubes are strange on it, they get smaller towards the ends so the U bolts will fit over them. I've never seen another 8.8 like it, but the center chunk is identical to other 8.8's in the yard. I figgured if it is an 8.8, I could just bolt disc brake stuff off another 8.8 on it.
IF it is an 8.8, then a previous owner put it there. Some Granada's had 9" rears, but I don't recall an 8.8 rear coming from the factory in a '77 Granada. The disc brakes off a T-Bird or LSC should bolt on to a 8" or 9" rear. It all depends on the flange.
I agree with Terry The 8.8 first became available in 1981 in the Ford F100. First passenger car application was the Mustang in 85.
Granada used a goofy forerunner to the 8.8... Was something like 8.2", wasn't around long. It was the basis for the 8.8, however I don't think much interchanges. Granada rears are 1.5" wider... .75" per side. At least that is how the 9" Granada rears are. I would think that carried over to any rear that was put in a Granada, but it might not. The spring pads should be identical. My Granada 9" was anyway. Again, they might have done things differently for other rears. Dave
Jamie, that is a FORD 8.7" or commonly called the 8 3/4 Found mostly in a Granada or Monarch - it will have a 2.47:1 ratio in it. Not worth anything but scrap weight. Granada rears are, as mentioned, 3/4" wider on each side then the Maverick. Eric J ****************** Here is some TAG ID info, if you can get at it: Integral Carrier Axle-Ford-(WER) Applies to Ford/Mercury, Granada/Monarch ID tag...Ratio.. Ring Gear.. Differential....Diameter (in).... type WER-AA..... 2.47:1..........8.7.......... C2 WER-AB..... 2.47:1..........8.7.......... C2 WER-AC..... 2.47:1..........8.7.......... C2 .
I would find a 75 or later mav that was in a junkyard and swap. that is what i am doing I got axle and spendels for $150 disk and 5 lugs mo betta
What are you running for rear brakes? I will eventually put a 8-inch Granada rear in mine (when I find one), simply because I like the width of it...
Jamie if you want an 8.8 w/disc brakes then look for a ford explorer rear end from a V8 model, it will hold the power of a V8 and pretty much go in.
No, I've already got plenty of 5 lug 8 inchers for free and another one on it's way, don't need more of them. Wayne, I think that is similar to finding a needle in a haystack. I believe I would get the engine out of it to. That rear must be the 8.2 or 8.7 or whatever. It's not a 7.5 and has a bolt on rear cover. Guess I'll pass on it. I'll see if I can get a pic of it tomarrow when I go back for a set of sport mirrors. Thanks guys.
I am running the stock drums for right now. I believe they are the 10" X 2" drums. I check on the Autozone website and the only option it gives me for brakes is the 10" X 2" version.