im not sure is this is where this post belongs. i just want to know how much a 1970 or earlier 302 engine would cost from a junkyard. One that works. just want opinions so I could know how much money I will need whenever I plan to do a swap. not anytime soon, but just want to know. thanks!
Engine - depends on cost in your area. V8 Motor mounts - $50 on the low end if someone is feeling generous. Belly Bar - about $40 if you can find one. Ebay sometimes has them for $50+ (goes under oil pan). V8 Transmission crossmember - $40-$50 - Also found on Ebay for $50+ Other parts you may need to look for and are good to have are: 5 Lug 8" axle and the 5 lug disc brake conversion for the front end. (The bolt pattern on these are 5 on 4.5") The driveshaft for the I6 will work for the V8, as long as you keep the same type of transmission. (C4/C4) Not sure of any others like C3 to C4 etc.... The length of the transmission engine combo is roughly the same length from the motor mounts to the transmission mount for a V8 and I6. If there is a difference in length the amount is small and barely noticeable and will not cause a problem.
I've got $8 in frame mounts, $6 in the belly bar, and $8 in double hump cross member. Just depends on if you got any decent yards in your area. I'll be going tomarrow to see if the other set of V8 mounts are still in the other yard tomarrow. If they are, I'll get them for another $8. They consider them a "small bracket".
Your car is a '70 so I would say it is definately necessary since your car more then likely has a 7.5 rear end.
how much does a rear end cost and from what car would i need it? Do I have to have the disc brake conversion??
Duster, If I was doing a motor swap, I would go for a 351 from a Ford Econoline van, maybe late 90s model. It will fit (tightly) in the engine bay and is capable of easily being built to 400+ cubic inches (and 400+ horsepower). I have access to 3 of these for $250 each, running, or at least very close to running (clean out carb, etc.). If you want to keep the 302, go with any mustang from the 80s. you can find them cheap around Houston (unlike Georgia, where Jamie can find a fresh built 393 in the dumpster behind his school :16suspect ). The 289 and 302s are plentiful...just search the junk yards or ask around. Hit the machine shops, and I guarantee they have a rebuilt 302 laying around that someone never picked up.
what is the difference between the 80's 302 and the 70's or 60's 302? dont the older ones have more power? Dont they sound better too?
Roller cam and the balance is diffrent to. I'm sure there are other small changes over the years like cam profile, pistons, compression, and stuff like that. A late 80's - mid 90's Mustang 302 would be the best engine to find IMO. Really depends on what you are doing with your car. It will bolt up to any transmission a 302 will bell housing wise.
351w will bolt to c4. must use correct flexplate & block plate for the bell on the c4, large or small (157t or 164t). all 351w are 28oz. imbalance.