It may be common sense, but I prefer to say it is learned wisdom. I am not knocking anybody but I can gaurantee it takes a mechanically inclined person to start with. I have fixed many a pretend mechanic screw up. I also guarantee those pretend mechanics will never fix anything I couldn't. Lets see today I did 2 heater cores. One in a 99 tauras and the other in a 95 buick skylark. I am now waiting on my last side job to show up. I started at 10 am. I got done by 2:30 PM. Lets see you shade tree mechanics beat that time BTW I made $225.00 To bad it all goes to the wifes college bills
Being born on a working 600 acre farm, you learn to fix what breaks yourself or it didn't get fixed. I was building engines at 13, tearing down tractors, cottonpickers and combines with my dad in my early teens too. My younger brother and I worked on every car we ever owned...I respect anybody who has the papers to prove their worth but we earned ours the hard it or go broke...Jim
one of the first things i learned was that "common sense" does not really exist. everything is learned. i agree that some people do not have the skill just the paper and others have the skill and no paper. i respect those that have both. not certified myself, but several mechanic friends have asked me to get one and work for them.i always tell them i already destroyed one hobby for myself by going into computers. i am certifiable though
I am certified but it's just a piece of paper.I feel ASE is there for someone to make money and it is mandatory at my job to have them. Also I have to recertifi next week.
When I was working as a technician I was Master ASE Certified with Advanced Engine Performance and GM certified. I think they are great tests, I learned alot just in the certification process.
I believe by common sense he meant mechanically inclined, but I also agree that common sense has nothing to do with it. I have a cousin who is extreamly smart. He is in all honors classes and makes nearly perfect grades. I can try to explain and show him how a carburetor or whatever works and he looks at me like I'm not speaking english. He understands the basic concepts of how cars work, but he just dosen't "get" it and he sure as heck isn't capable of doing something like an engine swap on his own. He'll gladly help out and do whatever tasks you tell him, but he just dosen't have the intuitive to do it on his own. He just isn't mechanically inclined. He demonstrates plenty of common sense in every day life doing other tasks though. Some people are just more skilled at one thing then another person. That dosen't mean the other person lacks common sense. It's just as likely that person is just as skilled doing something else.
Yea, but how many beers did you get to drink while doing it? In the 70's I was NIASE papered, is that the same thing today as ASE I was electrical, transmission and driveline, engine. I think brakes, alignment and tune up were part of those. That was a whole 'nother lifetime ago for me.
I didn't drink any beers. I never do unless I work on my own stuff liability issues and all that. I never did get the advanced tests taken. I am sure I could pass them but like I said meaningless to me as my company doesn't pay any more for them. I realize they are some smart been there done that types, but the newer the car the less chance anybody but a professional will be able to fix it. Just wait until OBDIII comes out 2009 to 2012. Lotsa fun then
Yea, OBDII is all the strees I want my brain to suffer. I think that someone who takes the time to be tested on his/her knowledge and keeping the credentials current should be compensated far more than the shops are dishing out, the pay just isn't what it should be in most cases, and the shop rates? Pretty high in my opinion.
Most shop rates are rediculously high. I think the ASE technicians are under-paid......That is my opinion.
I started has a temp at mitsubishi electric automotive of america worked for 4 months, they ask me if I would like a level three job of course the pay starts out at 16.40 monday thru thursday friday's my overtime, no test taken or collage just your average high school diploma with common sense. not certified. But I do respect if you go the extra mile.