Ms has safety inspections only, no emissions...but the highway patrol is the only ones that can enforce it. Police or sheriff depts can't touch you for expired stickers.
In NC it depends on which county your vehicle is registered in. Some have to pass the smog test, some just regular inspection. It also depends on year model everyting before 96 is exempt from the smog test due to it being pre OBD II. Eventually all of the counties will have smog test around 2010. No vehicle is exempt from safety inspection. $250.00 fine if your inspection has run out.
In GA, you have a cop come out and check the VIN if you bought it out of state. Other then that, you take your bill of sale and or title and get it registered. There are no safety inspections here, just emissions for '82 and newer. '85 and newer have to have a title. Those years go up every few years. There is no sticker for newer cars, you just have to have an emissions inspection done once a year, otherwise you're SOL when you go to renew your registration. Emissions inspections aren't state wide, just in the metro Atlanta area and surrounding countys.
In texas, you have to take older cars (pre-1978) in for a "safety inspection" yearly. Legally, they have to check that the headlights, signals, brake lights, wipers, and brakes all work and then you get the sticker (and some other minor stuff, like it has to have at least one seat (preferably front driver side), a steering wheel, some tread on the tires, a windshield, etc.) . Anything less is illegal. Cars newer than 78 have to go through the "smog test". When I first got my mav, I took it in with a carb that would not keep it running without your foot on the gas, no hood, barely stopped when you braked...but the inspector said "if you can get it here, it will probably pass." Last time I inspected it, it had only one seat (front driver seat, in case you were wondering ) no hood, BFGoodrich T/A "slicks" in back, and the inspector thought the wheels were rubbing the fender (spool shudder). Plus, she got it into gear to test drive it, and couldn't figure out how to get it out of gear because of my B&M shifter with the trigger. So she held the brake and honked (I just thought she was testing the horn...over and over again) until I came and helped her get it out of gear. Still, inspected with no (legal) problems. Long story short, there still is an inspection for Texas cars, and anything less than what I listed is a friend slapping a sticker on and letting it go through.
Yeah...good thing too. I made the mistake of driving thru downtown Atlanta with my windows down a couple years ago. My eyes started burning so bad I had to pull over a few minutes till they cleared up. Will keep my windows up from now on.
I wish this were still true. Two years ago, our illustrious Govenator signed a law that repealed the rolling 30 year smog exemption. 1975 and older are good. All 1976 and new will continue to need smog checks. From the site: "Beginning April 1, 2005, the 30-year rolling exemption has been repealed. Instead, vehicles 1975 model-year and older will be exempt. Therefore, 1976 model-year and newer vehicles will continue to be subject to biennial inspection indefinitely." Welcome to the Socialist State of California. If they want to cut down on the smog generated by cars/trucks, they should enforce the smog laws on the tens of thousands of Mexican registered cars crossing the border every day. Often, you can't even read the tags because of the smoke billowing out the back of these vehicles. (We even have a state law that requires vehicles from Mexico that routinely cross the border be registered in CA and meet CA smog standards.) The Feds bought smog equipment that can recognize gross polluters as they are at the inspection point. The equipment has never been used except for photo opps for the polliticians to talk about how they are fighting for our health and environment.
Guess I must be used to it or something. I drive through downtown on almost a weekly basis with my windows down and never notice anything out of the ordinary other then on extreamly hot and humid days.