I am sure a few of you have seen the 1972 Maverick Grabber on eBay. The seller mentions this in the listing. Can anyone confirm this statement as being true? Also the "Grabber" was the # 2 car on the Barrat Jackson list of 10, of the next classic car sought after, so get it while you can afford it... it will only increase in value from here! Here is the link to the listing. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Falcon-Maverick-Ford-Maverick-Grabber-Excellent-Please-LQQK_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6232QQitemZ4638020395QQrdZ1
Dang ... I'm surprised how high the current bid is on that car! Quite a bit of surface (hopefully) rust on the floorboards and undercarriage ... and the color choice and quality of stripes aren't very good ....
It`s hard for me to adjust my way of thinking on what cars are worth now. With no disrespect intended to the owner of that car (If they are reading this now) I would have guessed the price on that car to be about $6,500 max. Wow ! Some of our cars MAY be worth even more than we have in them!
I've sent him a question regarding the "Barrett-Jackson" reference. I'm asking for a source (as I found no mention of a "Maverick" at www.barrett-jackson.com). Google has a great search option. To find a search word on a page in a certain website, use the following format in the search bar: site:www.whatever.com searchword I searched "maverick" on the b-j site: 2 hits, nothing related to his claim ref: http://www.google.com/search?hs=o3N&hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial_s&q=site%3Abarrett-jackson.com+maverick&btnG=Search (in fact, it speaks of a Maverick 9" rearend being put in a 1952 Ford Deluxe Business Coupe - riiiiiight.:16suspect ) I'll post up any reply correspondence. I agree, it IS a nice car!
Did anyone happen to notice that the back valence panel is warped on the passenger side? Or is it just my mind that's warped?
Isn't that the same car that was on there about this time last year? The one that looked pretty good but had rust in the door jambs and other strange places?
Lots of miles, very little detail to "hidden" parts and undercarriage, that rear valence does appear to be distorted, cheesy bolt on tach, kinda high price in my opinion. But, this is a "Falcon Maverick", so maybe it is a special edition Is that a 73+ grill? Or did the Grabber have two sets of front turn signals? My 72 grill does not have the lights in it.
His reply to my Barrett-Jackson source query: [font=Arial, Verdana]Item: Ford : Falcon (4638020395)[/font] [font=Arial, Verdana]This message was sent while the listing was active.[/font] [font=Arial, Verdana]georgeh803 is the seller.[/font] [font=Arial, Verdana]"I saw the list on the TV auction show about 4 weeks ago, they may have it listed in their web sight some where?...Thanks, & good luck.." [/font] Like I mentioned, it's not on B-J website. Anyone see anything on a recent airing of a Barret-Jackson auction? He didn't opt to show my question on his auction.
scooper, grabbers had "sport lamps" in the grill from 71 to 72 with the blinkers under the front valance.