well here is what i have found so far. i had a friend help me a bit today.. it IS on compression stroke. i Am getting fire thru the spark plugs. it IS getting gas.. had him turn it over while i turned the distributor. still no go. not even a cough. what am i missing??? im at a total loss here. the only thing i can think of is im going to pull the timing cover wed and see if maybe the cam is incorrectly aligned with the crank. beyond that.. anyone want a cheap 4 door? lol
After I burnt a 250 ci I had to do a quick swap. Found a local yard that had one dropped it in and fired it up. It ran, abeit miserably, but I had to go to work. Turns out the distributor was 20 degrees out and I never adjusted the carb but it ran. Those motors will run with half of the spec compression, way out of time, and on bad gas. You sure about fuel? look down the carb throat and pull the throttle. See fuel spray? If so it's probably a wiring problem. Worked on a jeep 2 months ago that had the elec choke tied to the neg of the coil. Had spark....just not a lot and it didn't run.
thats the only thing i HAVENT tried is taking the timing cover off and checking to see if i did or did not get the notches lined up correctly. thats gonna be my project for wednesday i think. getting plenty of gas fuel spray is good . even took the carb off and saw the gas in the intake.. and even got the gas smell fromt he cylinder when i took the plug out. with this thing being a 72, only wiring is to dist, oil, and temp. nothing else.
the vaccum shouldn't matter. all you really need is to have the one for the dizzy hooked up. the rest of the vaccum lines are really only for emissions stuff.
The one to the transmission needs to be hooked up just as much as the one to the distributor. The vaccum modulator has nothing to do with emissions. I left mine unhooked on my '74 Grabber and burned up the transmission in 1,500 miles. Not an Ace by any means, but I've found out most I know the hard way. I think Phil has it under control though. Next logical step would be to check the timeing gears are lined up right. Just wondering, have you tried just straight wireing the coil to the battery?
what do you mean straight wiring??? wouldnt that burn the coil? id did have one brain flash tho.. i gotta check it when i get home from work today. i removed the pcv valve and plugged the hose. that would affect the air flow wouldnt it? or would that even matter?
PCV shouldn't matter as long as the hose is plugged. I wouldn't run it for any extended period of time without it. I mean running a wire from the positive side of the battery to the positive side of the coil. Once again, I wouldn't run it for an extended period of time like that, but I have done it several times to get cars running.
is it absolutely necessary even if i have a breather cap on one end of the valve cover? ok i guess i gotta pull the timing cover off... not looking forward to that
Go to Autozone and borrow a compression tester. It is easier than pulling the cover. If you have good compression in all cylinders then your timing chain is fine ...
You can verify that your dist. is timed correctly by static timing. Put dist. back in with #1 cyl on TDC, verifying that rotor is on #1 cap position. Then connect #1 plug and wire to a good ground, usually closest metal backet. With switch on, work dist back and forth by hand you should see spark. If you have spark your timing is correct.
If Ford thought it was necessary, I would say it probably is. 'Cuz lord knows they didn't add any extras to these cars back then. I have always thought of the oil cap vent an intake for the air that the PCV sucks out. With just the cap only, there would be nothing sucking those gasses out of the engine and it would build up until it just floats it's way out. I have seen a couple of small block Cheby engines torn down that didn't have PCV's on them and they were nasty inside.
so.. your saying this will work even with not trying to start the vehicle? jsut having the key on? interesting.. i am up for trying anything at this point. i did buy a compression tester but that will have to wait till afternoon till my friend can come home and help.