yeah, the gasket issue is not really an issue on a 6, but can be something to look at. But something I just thought of, what if the intake has a flaw, or is cracked, that has happened to me before. Dan
once you find the crack/hole, you can fill it with a metal filler. either that or replace the head (yechhh!)
dan.. the staic timing went great.. i did it like 9 times to make sur ei had it right .. the only problem on that was when i forgot to hold it by the boot and shocked myslef four times.(never get in a hurry).. it was after i did the static timing on it that it did fire up. i havent had the chance to work on it till today and i am about to go do that. i work at an oil change shop and had to work extra hours with everyone going out of town... i jsut may try setting tdc and then static timing again jsut to make sure everything is where its supposed to thinking its a lil bit of everything as to why its not starting.. caus ehwn it DID start.. it was smooth.. but ill let ya know im going to check it out now.. so ill post this afternoon.
which way is leaner on the choke cause the vaccum line for the choke isnt even hooked up.... there is a possibility.... i have a lil 4 inch air cleaner i am using for getting it running.. the big one is too much of a hassle to take on and off while doing all this..hrmm... more possiblities... thanx for the great input guys.!
Great Update!!!!! the first tihing i did when i went to work on it this evening was adjust the climatic choke. i foudn out it was set way too rich... then i turned the key... she fired up!!!!!!:bananaman :bananaman :bananaman :bananaman :bananaman now after a lil bit of tuning she fires up on the first try.. BETSY LIVES!!!!!! thanx so much for all your input guys i appreciate it a lot.
thanx guys i appreciate all the help... now on to replacing tie rod ends and such to get her back on the road