quick question.. when i hooked my temp sensor and oil sensor back up i wasnt sure which wire went to which sensor... theres a red wire and a yellow wire.. its a 250 cid.. in a 72... i jsut want to verify i hav eit right..right now ive got the red one going to the temp sensor...
You've got it right, at least according to my car. I've got yellow going to the oil pressure. I think you can stick something in the end of the wire and then touch it to a ground while the car is running. The idiot light should light for which ever you ground. Then you can tell for sure.
Phil, Here are the wire colors for the oil and temp light: Red/white stripe = Temp White/Red stripe = Oil So the "yellow" (it has probably become discolored over the years) wire will probably be the one you want to go to the oil sender. Other than that, Jamie's way of testing will tell ya pretty quick too.