hi, I was wonderin if someone could help me out with a problem , i have a 71 maverick and need to adjust the carb in it . It has a single barrel motorcraft carb in it , i was just needing to know how to adjust it, if someone could tell me or give me a website to go to or sumthing i would really appreciate it , thanks. ~MAVERICKS FOREVER~
to adjust carb the right way you should use the chilton's manual because there is diferent ways to adjust your carb for the year and if it has a automactic trans or throttle solenoid but i know one thing keep the air cleaner installed, if not the engine adle speed must be rechecked after insalling the air cleaner. hope this is good info the chilton's manual won't confuse you, good luck.
thanks, but i dont have a chilton's manual, it is a 71 maverick with a 6cyl/200, 3speed manual tranny, if that helps.
the idle speed screw and air/ fuel mixture screws are the only ones you want to mess with on this carb.. i hve the same one...however that being said.. if theres nothing wrong. then dont adjust anything.once its set.. it rarely needs adjusting.. and when it does. its better to rebuild it and then adjust it.. i would definitly get a chilton's as soon as possible as it has lots of valuable info. whats it doing that makes you think it needs adjusting?
but to answer your question... there are two screws on the front of the carb near the fuel bowl.. the top one is the air fuel mixture screw.... the idle speed screw is toward the back of the carb on the same side.. usually painted on the end. turning to the right makes it idle faster....turning the air fuel mixture to the right makes it a richer mixture... for a chiltons ask craig selvey if hes got any left...