Man that video pissed me off. People just don't understand classic cars and totally wiped that one off the face of the earth....morons. Disclaimer: If you were one of those fans I only am pissed off in jest.... .....not really I was mad.
No Way I Hate Thoes People Anyone That Can Kill Such A Good Looking Car Like That I Mean Really It Was Maverick Murder
what the hell is wrong with those people, i think we should bet them like they did the mav, now if that would of been a chevy or dodge that would of been cool, stupid ass people out there.
That is just wrong on so many different levels!!!!!!!!!! Did anyone else happen to notice that when they showed the car upside down the it had dual exhaust on it? Not only did they distroy a pretty nice car it was a V8 car to boot. Man there were a lot of good parts on that car. THEY SUCK!!!!!!!!! And that pretty much says it all.
What the hell... people seriously got issues. I only watched about the first minute because my computer is haveing issues. I don't care what kind of car it is, just randomly beating the hell out of any car like that is completely retarded.
Yeah, it sucks...but I thought the Mav did pretty well against the sledge hammer...not so good when dropped on its nose...