Hey guys..it's your friendly car-retarded tinker-er here....Newest question - What size wheels did my 71 Mav come stock with? It has the stock ones on there now, but they're kinda unattractive and I've been looking for something else. I just found these, (http://sacramento.craigslist.org/pts/173570656.html) and I'm going to check em out tonight, but they're a 14 inch wheel. I know I don't want to go with a smaller wheel, so if the Mav came w/ a 15 in (which is what i thought...????), then it's a prolly a no-go for me.. Help???
14 inch were factory ... you need to use wheels that have a Ford Bolt Pattern ... the Craiglist ad doesn't mention if they are Ford or GM ...
14 inch were factory? Ok...I'm fine w/ swapping out for the same size...and yeah, I know he doesn't mention if they're ford or GM...When I called him, he said he took em off an El Camino, and I asked him about what size they are... he said (and I have NO idea how these numbers should be separated...) 215 75 14.
Ah darn....are you positive? (not to disagree, because I have no idea what I'm talking about...) There's not a way the tires would be able to fit both a ford and gm? Like, there's no kind of universal setup available? By the way, THANKS!!! for the info...
Can't really tell by the picture, are they uni-lug, meaning they are slots for the bolt pattern not just round holes?
yeah hard to tell from pic, but they look somewhat like the slot style. it's worth calling and asking.
Those wheels in that ad look like they are uni-lug, meaning they would fit both chevy (5 on 4-3/4") or ford (5 on 4-1/2") bolt centers, when used with the correct lug nuts. Most chevys use 7/16", where as ford uses 1/2" studs.
Alrighty...thanks guys! I called him earlier, and he's pretty nearby to where I live, so I'm gonna go by tonight. I figure, we'll just try to bolt em on, and if they fit, they fit.....right? Or would their be something else to look for/at/etc????
I think the lug nuts themselfs have to be for that wheel, yes a standard lug will hold it in place ( but not for long) . Anyone care to chime in on this?
Those are uni-lug and they will fit a Ford. You MUST have the correct lugnuts....which can still be bought new.
You need a long shank Crager lug nut for the wheels. They also look like uni-lug wheels to me. My thoughts on the whole uni-lug thing is that there are a lot better designs out there with the correct lug pattern 5 on 4.5 for 5 lug and 4 on 4.5 for the 4 lug. I would not use the uni-lug wheels if they are used. They have a tendency to wallow the holes out over time. And thats my 2 pennies
the ones i had came with metal keyways that helped reinforce the setup. i dont know if you can buy those seperately.
i have some 14 x 5.5 if anyone wants them, i will trade for anything in a 14 x 7 or 15 x 7 4 lug mine are magnesiums i believe