Very good deal! Your overheating problem might be cured with a fan shroud... With any luck, it's in the trunk. Good luck Dave
You maam' truly are a fine lady. Now ride that comet all the way back to cali leaving a tail for all to see:evilsmile
Thanks for all the kudos guys, I'm just pleased as punch. I bought a Haynes Repair Manual at Autozone today for 64.5-73 Mustang V8, figured it was going to be the same engine (?) and now I'm just perusing. I'm more anxious than ever to get back to Cali though!! Gotta get new tires for my car, the O2 sensor fixed, and tie up loose ends here before I head back but my pedal foot is itching already!! Question for you all though: the guy who looked at it for me said the ignition was sticky when he cranked her. Any clues on what that might be?
The ignition in my '72 was sticky when I first got it. Car had been sitting a few years with no engine or trans, so I would imageine it hadn't been turned in several years. After a few months of driving it, it freed up on it's own...
Probably the mechanics in the column lock cylinder, or the switch its self which is mounted down on the column. Like Jamie said, it should free back up with use.
If not, a couple of small shots of WD40 or similar sprayed in and around the lock cylinder will probably help. It's not going to hurt anything but I wouldn't get carried away with it.