Here's a newbie question: how much is it to rebuild a carburetor? A 2bbl stock carb, 302 V8. And I can't get any bigger because California regs don't seem to allow 4bbl due to emission laws. Thanks...
If you have some tool sense about you, rebuilding a stock 2v carb is easy. You could get some pointers to help you understand by reading. The automotive section at the public library could help, or you could spend some time in a big bookstore reading. Don't forget to do a web search for tips too. A carb functions very simply, as you will see with some thoughful reading. After a basic understanding, it is really just common sense on what to do. Pretty much put it back like you found it, but with all the new parts you got in the kit. Also, things must be surgically clean after the carb has been cleaned thuroughly. After you soak the carb for cleaning, don't forget to blow compressed air through the small passages to clear them out. Good luck Glad to see your interest and willingness to learn. Dave
what year car is it? they dont check your car if its 75 or older... my uncle went from a 1bbl to a 4bbl on his car.. i'm putting a 400CFM carb into mine w/vacumm secondaries to get better MPG/power than the stock 2bbl...
Carb rebuilds are pretty easy, if you have mechanical ability. Expect to pay someone up to $200.00 if you drop the carb itself off to be rebuilt. $100.00 is the usual price here in the midwest. Dan
Well it'd be a 73 so maybe I'd get lucky, but for now it'd be cheaper just to rebuild as I have limited cash. Another newbie question: going from 2 to 4 bbl does what to the MPG? I know, you don't buy these cars for their fuel efficiency but I'm wanting one for a semi-daily driver (I've got something else more reliable and newer-ish) so was curious. Ratio411: Thanks, that's what I was hoping for. I know basically how a carb works and am decent with mechanical stuff, so if it's just about replacing parts I'll try it out. Of course this is all contingent on IF/when I get this car!
Im guessing your carb is a 2100 motorcraft(this is what i believe came stock on 73s i think)if it is this is like to simplest carb in the world to rebuild Im pretty sure my grandmother could rebuild one of these with little more then a flat blade screwdriver and the sheet that comes with the kit. Just take your time and follow the instuctions that come with the kit and you will do fine. Just like stated above it must be spotless a grain of sand could mean the differnce between running or flooding.
a stock carb rebuild kit from napa runs between $25 and $36. add in a couple of cans of carb cleaner and supplies, and you could probably do it for under $50.
so why are you concerned about cali regs if you live in MS? also, if your car is older than 74 cali dosent check it. if your planning on moving back, you will have to pay the out of state vehicle tax on ALL of your vehicles, but they wont actually check the exempt ones. just further proof that its all about politics and money, not the environment. the 4 barrel, if not too big of one, will lower your gas mileage if you dont drive it to the floor, thats where i always loose my mileage:evilsmile. the primaries are smaller than a 2v so when it is adjusted right you idle and cruise on a little less gas.
Well, the car I'm REALLY hoping to get has Cali tags already so I may be in luck, and I'm likely moving back there anyway. And let me get this straight, you get BETTER gas mileage with pedal-to-the-metal on a 4bbl? Cool!! Does that work with a 2bbl?
no, we all wish, but thats when it drops your mileage to sucking the gas. you get better mileage at idle and cruise because your not opening up the carb much. edit: btw, if the car is already tagged for cali then it should be fine unless its already marked as a gross polluter. if its older than 74 you should be set
Hmm... Okey dokey so the carb's not stock. How different from the stock Motorcraft would a 350 Holley 2bbl be? I'm still going to attempt it because 1) it needs it and 2) I just want to, but does anyone know of detailed instructions on how to rebuild? I am probably being paranoid but the instructions on my rebuild kit are vague. Also, are all kits the same or do I need a specific kit for the Holley? I found this one for the Motorcraft with great specs and such so it's a little bit of a shock to have a Holley (which is better but requires special read-up-on from what I've heard). Can you tell I'm itching to get back to that car o' mine?
Once you actually have the carb, then you can look at exactly which one it is and get the right kit. the kit usually comes with a tear apart diagram and step by steps. for a rebuild its not usually as hard as getting the initial adjustments because you just keep track of how everything was set and put it back how you found it. if it is out of adjustment you can just start back where you are then worry about dialing it in. when you start out of the box is usually when nothing is where it needs to be for your car.
A '73 will be exempt from smog. I had no issues when I bought my '72 back and registered it. Here is a link to the CA DMV site about smog
setting carb Hi i have a nother very noobie question i have a 76 maverick with the 250 straigth 6 with a 1 barrel carb, it seems to be running a little to rich can anyone tell me how to tone that down a bit Thanks for your time ToNy