Carbon Fiber spoiler Here in sweden you can´t buy a front spoiler for a comet or maverick...! so the closest thing i can get hold on is a company ( )in sweden that makes front spoilers to Mustang, Firebird, Camaro, All the (Popular) cars. But not to comet So which one Fits without any rebuild? Camaro?
i think there was one guy with the camaro one. im pretty sure the mustang one would be too wide, but if you could measure both and compare if you still have that mustang of yours
Would buying one here in the states be to expensive to ship? The fiber glass one I have was only about $60. I bought it from MAS. I'm sure they could ship it to you. There is a whole post on it here some place.
See this post: Mas Racing Products 2288 University Avenue St Paul, MN 55114 phone:651-644-6811