but I'm afeared my 'waring' would look like "Terry's friend, Frank's" sparkplug waring job whut he done done and could potentially cause severe injuries to my head and shoulders.
Don't say "Terry's friend Frank." Every time that phrase starts getting used with any frequency, my wallet gets thinner.
I was just noticing that pic of Frank's engine. He must be an innovator. I see he is pre-igniting the air/fuel mixture before it goes into the intake manifold. Genius.
I have a Prodigy and an Activator II, both are very nice brake controllers. The wiring is really not that bad. You did an EFI swap you can wire a brake controller.
I install one to two a week,usually for the Ford dealer or the Chevy dealer. takes about 10 minutes and your done. I've been selling alot of hitches lately and doing tons of wiring also. In Ga. you have to have brakes and a break-a-way system on you trailer if its over 2000#, its a good idea on any trailer that hauls a car!!
Rick, you can put it in yourself. It is easier than you think. Most are a 4 wire set-up. Take a look at these instructions from Tekonsha, they are typical of most controllers. http://www.tekonsha.com/instructions/BC%20Wiring.pdf
Rick, you are not on my ignore list. You are on my "WATCH OUT" list. :16suspect I don't recall the previous thread, but obvioulsy we think a like and that might should be a concern for me.