Some are new to drag racing and are learning quickly. Some are running very radical cars and they are not consistent on the starting line. This class is new for this season and I'm sure it will attract more racers as time goes by. But hey......I'm not complaining about their lack of skill. There are some very good drivers in other FFW classes. Mod Comp, for example, has some absolute tree killers. Plenty of racers from the now-defunct Mod Motor class are in M/C and I know from experience that they will nail you to the tree if you blink. Don't give up on the heads up stuff yet. Plenty of people are miffed about that decision and have spoken to the brass at FFW about getting Pro and Outlaw put back onto the card. Dan Bott is also working with George Klass on having a Bandit-style heads up class. I think the decision to remove the upper classes was a knee jerk reaction and it's now being seriously reconsidered. I will be there with another GT-H, though, running in Ultra Stang.
I saw the shelby too.I really liked the orange grabber,very slick.As usual the record holding white mav was there too.It was the first fun ford I,ve been to since 2003,due to my deployment to Iraq.It seemed the crowd was smaller than usual,plus fewer vendors.I wonder if some other event was taking place at the same time.I,ll be attending the NMRA in september in Bowling Green this year.Havent been there since 03 either.
ffw in cal and az is going to end up as a bracket race unless they extend the points races there. i told this to bill alexander a couple of years ago in phoenix. to get any spectators they need to get the top pro classes in there and not just 2 cars. i also asked about the bracket series bill talked about last year to me. he said they were thinkink about a 4 race bracket series for fast ford and quick ford. sat & sun at each west coast event. i asked george about this on the ffw web site back in march with no response at all. guess if my name was april i'd of got a response right away. from what i read on the ffw web site bracket racers are looked down on. maybe some of those guys don't realize but the bracket racers are paying a lot of there purses. especially when only a couple of cars show up for there classes.:rant:
Don, Don't think for a minute that bracket racers are looked down upon at FFW. 90% of us in the "other" classes know exactly who it is that's paying a majority of the bills. You will run across the occassional dingdong every once in a while but not often. The problem with asking George a question like that is that he really can't give you a definitive answer. It's up to Bill Alexander. You would have to call the office and talk to Bill. He is approachable at the office. Much more so than at an event. The killing of the heads up classes has really raised an uproar among the West Coast guys who claim they're gearing up for these events. Several FFW regulars have been talking to Bill and George in an attempt to get these classes put back onto the schedule. Seems there were more out there than the front office knew about. I believe you will see several Pro, Outlaw, Renegade and Bandit cars in attendance. The problem with making these events part of the points chase is the timing. Dallas has been traditionally the "FFW World Finals" and I really don't see that changing. These events would have to be moved into the schedule earlier in the year or be made a part of the following year's point race. Difficult proposition. In addition, a majority of the regular touring guys see California and Arizona as just too far to travel. Similarly, CA & AZ guys see the rest of the tour as being too far to travel. It's a big country. Dan Bott is one of the few who travel the series in Bandit. Then again.....he's got more money than God, Allah, and Bono combined. I'm not sure what the answer to the West Coast is just yet. If we see a big turnout of cars for the heads up classes this year (provided we can get these classes put back onto the schedule) I believe something can be done to expand and grow these events. Personally.....I don't like the idea of killing off heads up classes and replacing them with index classes. We already have plenty of index classes. Fans come to see heads up racing. They tolerate index stuff. I'm racing in the latter but building for the former so I can understand both sides.
i hear what your saying. i don't know what the answer is either. i'd sure like to see ffw get built up out here. i can't afford to run heads up and i know i don't have the know how to build a top of the class heads up car. but i like to watch them run and appreciate their efforts. at my age i have to race for fun. course a little cash never hurt either.
Hey at least FFW comes to the West. The other great Ford heads up organization runs the whole operation out of CA, yet they don't have any races even close to the west. I can always just add a 500 shot of nitrous like the guys in the PSCA do and race in one of the heads up classes. My 26x10 slicks would work great for that don't you think?
I went to FFW Bristol saturday night,the orange Grabber looked great & sounded killer.Broke out & ran a 6.99(1/8).Kinda liked that big ol' black '72 Torino w/slot mags too.Think it went 13.50's(1/4)