I belong to a car club called "PoMoFo Racing". I don't think I need to explain the acronym. Anyway, they're a bunch of great guys to hang out with. A true, brotherly type atmosphere. I had an "Engine/Tranny Install" day at my house yesterday. We refer to them as "Tech days" but it's really a party where we get to see everyone a couple of times a month, toss a few cold ones back and bench race. I provided the drinks and BBQ - they provided the muscle and mind. It got more than a little confusing when there were EIGHT opinions on how to stab the combination block, 1-3/4" headers, and C4 all at once. LOL!. The intent of the event was to shoot the bull with the guys and gals of the club - not necessarily to finish the car (which didn't happen by a long-shot). I'll start another thread about my install wo's. Just thougth I'd share a few pics here in this forum. Friends are cool.
The ceremonial sticker-stickin'. "Lessee....four inches, one big mark and three little ones on THIS side...
Only time I can get anyone to come over is when they want me to do something to their car. You got a MD chapter?
If they are like the friends I have...... I can only imagine how many "right" way there is to do things.
Sorry, no MD Chapter. We'd be up their to help you, but most of us can't leave the state for one reason or other - rarely the other. I quickly lost count of the many ways one should install the combination - 8 people, 8 original methods plus 2 back-up plans because the first one didn't work. Then there was this guy, who always had the "It's never gonna fit" look. Who knew he was gonna be right - that day?
I hate to tell you this but you'll never get the engine, headers and all to just slide down in there......but I guess you've already figured that out!!
Rick, Wow man I can never get help,but when somebbody else needs a hand with there auto needs they call at 3 in the morning expect me to cancel any plans I had and be there in five minutes and pay for all parts and work for free PoMoFo 4 life
Those PoMoFo Racing guys are really a great bunch! Rick has introduced me to several of them. He himself has demonstrated their camaraderie when the linkage on my Grabber came undone in Houston and he fixed me up!
_______________________________________________ Receipt for services rendered: (lessee, tootumstoo is four, carry the double-naught.....that makes the four something else, 3 guzzinta one point something, carry the 7...... plus naught-naught.....equals....... One (1) Five-Dollar ($5.00) Budweiser Tall Boy at FFW "PAID IN FULL" _______________________________________________ Drop by the next time you're in Houston. Come shoot amongst me and the Maverick. ONE of us has GOT to have some relief! Cya then, Rick