You didn't say if you were going to rent the tow dolly from U-Haul or not.I was just out in San Diego with my son and we moved two of his project cars up to Victorville.They were real funny about the tow vehicle.They have this page on their computer when you go to rent.They plug in your info and if this thing says your vehicle isn't rated for whatever,they won't rent you the dolly.The key also with the tow dolly is to let a little air out of your tires,once you have it up on the dolly.Chain or strap it down,then put some more air back in the tires.That secures it real tight.JMO
Help solve the mystery! Please? Hi everybody! I've been busy so I haven't been able to post lately, had to work and study and all that. Anyhow I went out today and really checked out my trailer hitch. Here is what I found. The ball itself says ACME 2" 5000. It is monted to both the chrome rear bumber and a black triangular plate that eventually widens into a flat bar, that bar then atatches to the frame of the truck with these heavey black brackets and bolts. The owner's manual has some info in it but not a lot. It says that the bumber itself is rated as a Class II up to 3500 lbs. It does not say anything about the black support bar at all. On the truck itself, the manual says it is capable of Class I up to 5000 lbs. So given all this what do I actually have? I'm just a little confused. I have pulled good sized trailers before but the towing package on my 2 previous trucks was never an issue. I knew what I had. I have not seen this set up before. I think I would rather rent a transport trailer than a dolley if I can. I think that it would be safer for the distance I'm driving. :16suspect
Your car and the tow dolly won't be greater than 3500 so you should be fine with the bumper hitch. The 5000 lb rating is with a receiver hitch.
Without knowing exactly what you have, I'm not sure anyone can provide you with an educated opinion. Can you provide a picture of this "black triangular plate that eventually widens into a flat bar, that bar then atatches to the frame of the truck with these heavey black brackets and bolts" ?? It sounds to me that it would 'probably' do the job but the information is vague. How thick is the plate? What size bolts are used? How many? Etc. edit: Sorry, Allan. 'Looks like I typed over you.
we used to pull to the drag strip all the time many years ago with a bumper hitch. i'd do it and try not to start out too fast. take it easy and leave a space between you and the car in front. remember all the weight behind is going to make it harder to stop.
Ok, I've got it figured out. It's just like maverick1970 says. What I've got is a Class II up to 3500 lbs. The hitch is actually built into the bumber and has extra support brackets mounted to the frame. I have never seen anything like it but apparently it's pretty common to Explorers. I have seen just a small hitch mounted to a bumper and of course the receiver set up. This is the first time I've seen this set up. I shouldn't have any trouble getting my Mav home now. Thanks for all the help.