hi everyone i own a 70 maverick that this forum helped me build ive since moved to huntsville alabama from newengland to open my own autoglass repalcement company of course the real reason i moved here was to preserve my 70 maverick and my 69 dodge charger from those nasty winters up north lol anyhow im glad to be back and looking forward to helping and getting help from you guys to make our mavericks better and better ..trying to install a pic but it says file to large anyone know how to shrink the picture ?
Congrats on the new business. I suppose you will be stocking Maverick Windshields and seals. BTW what was your former user name on the forum? If you had one you can PM Stefan for the name change to preserve your past history.
hi thanks and yes i will have mavericks glass lol racing glassman was my old name in massachusetts but its ok i like this name better .....
Old skool, diggin the slotted mags and sidepipes! Welcome back to the board and Alabama. Maybe see you at a car show sometime. Now I know who too hit up if I need a Mav windshield! Oh and Mavaholic Real Estate isn't getting any cheaper down here better hurry!