My '72 Grabber has one on the pasenger side only and did not come with a cigarette lighter. I have a panel I am going to replace it with so I won't have it anymore. It will never be used and it rattles.
I even removed my ash tray from the dash. They are a waste of space and look stupid in my opinion. Funny thing is, with all the nonsmoking propaganda out there, they still put them in. Sad and irritating thing is, the people who smoke, dont use them. THe world is their ash tray. For those that do actually use them, Thank You.
Just remembered, i made a custon ash tray a while ago but i cant find it, theres no sKool tomorow so i'll try to look for it.
i knew someone was going to say that...but at least i get more time to work on the mav..i only have to go to sKool an hour a week