finally finished the outside . now just have a few minor interior parts to put back on. minor engine work, then she will be ready for the road (i hope). here are a few pictures. thanks everybody for your help. its been a long 6 years.
Wow fan, I love what you've done to your car. I especially like the rear valance work. Looks killer!!!
Looks great Ed. I like the valance too. That's a mod I've been planning on doing but I'm a year behind schedule right now...thanks to Katrina.
Very sharp!! I guess that is the same car in your avatar? That orange sure changes color alot depending on the light. Again VERY SHARP car!!
same car.the avatar car picture was just pieced together. i forgot, i still have to install the front rotors.
Definitely SHOW material...That looks GREAT!!! IT looks even BETTER when you get it out of the shop and let the light hit it. With your guidance, and periodic assistance, mine will someday look HALF that good, and I will be VERY PROUD :bananaman