I was thinking of proposing to Stefan to add a "Performance" forum to our board. That maybe included sub-forums of...V8 performance, 6cyl performance, Nitrous-turbocharging-supercharging. I know everyone isn`t in to all of that but for those of us that are it`s kind of a PITA to go to outside forums for this info that isn`t specific to our cars. Just a thought. Darrel
I have thought many times this should happen. That's because I like performance. Reality is most people aren't going to go with turbos, NAWS, etc.. So as a whole I don't see the need but for guys like us HELL YEA!!!!
Good Idea. The Mustang Forum has one called The Track. Covers pretty much all Racing applications and High Perfomance Street. Yeah - Let`s do it .
If it ain't broke, don't fix it... Between 'Tech' and 'Drag' forums, we do a lot of performance talk.
sort of what I was thinking,...if it gets too spread out, people wont know where to post their questions .
This is true, I just felt that most of the stuff being talked about was directed toward V8's and dragracing. Some are interested in performance 6's or other forms of high performance. I look around on other forums and notice some of the same people there that are on this forum and thought it would be nice to get it all here instead of bouncing around. Maybe instead of a seperate forum then, maybe add sub-forums under "Tech" or "Drag". Just my.
Performance I don`t think it`s broke, far from it - it`s great ! , but there`s a lot more going on these days with Performance applications other than Drag Racing. There is a definite trend toward and interest in Open Track Events , Autocross , Drifting , Vintage Road Racing and other High Performance Modifications for all around street use. The Tech and Drag Forums do not address these issues. Everybody comes to the Hobby with different interests and ideas - might as well cover them all...give everyone a Forum . That`s what this is all about ... Right ?
Maybe an autocross or road race forum should be added right next to the drag forum. Seems easy and probably warranted. But to split V8, I6, and then a bunch of sub-forums seems over done. When you get on the tech forum, there are some questions on 6 performance, some on 8 perf., and some misc perf. questions. If you split them into many forums, you will have several forums that get one, maybe two posts a day instead of 5 or 6 in one forum. I doubt very seriously that any member has withheld a performance post because we lacked sub-forums. So if the posts have a home, why add more? My .02 Dave
I've said it before, and will say again that I don't see the need for an individual forum for every topic under the sun. That's just my opinion and I know that others disagree. Personally, I think we have too many forums within this forum already. This is a Maverick/Comet forum, and as long as you're talking about Mavericks, it shouldn't matter what the subtopic is, whether it be audio, performance, repair/restoration, cosmetic, technical, new members, or anything else. Anything & everything Ford Maverick/Mercury Comet-related can be covered in the General Discussion section. If this were my site, I would have 3 forums; General Discussion, Clasifieds, and Off Topic. That's it. I like things simple...
However, when you go to a forum for something specific it would be nice to look at all the post for that topic without wading or searching through unrelated stuff.
This would work well on a small forum, but would not work on a large forum like this one with close to 250,000 posts. Searching for anything usefull would be impossible and would probably take down the server if many people were searching through all 250,000 posts at the same time. By searching in a particular sub forum, the server will not work as hard (less posts), search results would be found quicker and the results would be relevant to the particular sub forum. Take a look at this thread http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=21711 and in particulat this post,which sums it up well. http://mmb.maverick.to/showpost.php?p=205797&postcount=23
Tech is pretty much all performance anyway. If you take the performance out of Tech, than there would be little posted in Tech. And some would post performance questions in Tech because Performance forums weren't active enough or vice versa. I think it is OK the way it is, but majority rules. It's just another link to click on.