Has any one tired the flowtech headers 12100FLT? I'am wondering if they are any good because iam thinking of buying some this friday. They clam to fit are cars even with P/S and Automatic Transmission Column Shift but then again from what i've been told "NO HEADER will fit prefectly" without a little mod to it espcailly one like mine that has AT column shift and P/S . Does anyone have pic's of the P/S drop down bracket "BIG-10041" or any brand for that matter which you guys have had to use on your car? I was looking at a pic of the one summittracing sells by flowtech but can't figure out were it goes on the car or how to install it anyone have a pic of it on there mave/comet? Thanks
What Do U Think! I found this for the Flowtech headers on summit and they say they are a prefect fit. http://www.holleyreman.com/data/Products/Technical/12100-3901FLT.pdf
Danny; I have had a set of those on my car since 2000, and not a problem. They are the painted headers, and have not rusted or burned through yet. For a $98 header set, I think they are a great buy and a good product. And, they fit very well. You will, however, have to take the engine mount loose on the drivers side and raise the engine about 3" to clear the steering gear. And, if you have power steering, get the drop bracket. And, get the aluminum flange gaskets and the dead soft exhaust gaskets, and you will get a good seal, and no leaks. Hope this helps. Later, Earl